Greetings, Wikitubians.
This is not an announcement I have wanted to make, however, it needed to be done. My retirement was briefly brought up a couple times to be set for October 25 (today's date) so this will be my final post before I step down. Due to personal complications I will be retiring from my bureaucrat position on Wikitubia, as well as the other wikis I administrate to focus the quite significant things in my life at the moment. I do not believe I should hold a position as an inactive staff member
While I was just staff for a little over a year, and an active member for a year and a half, I met so many great people that I had the pleasure of working and interacting with. You all have truly made this place memorable for me and I will miss you all. While I do plan to return, there is no clear path for that yet and I will definitely be checking in with this place when I can to see the great changes and people again.
I thank the wonderful staff team I have had the pleasure of working with and the wonderful users I've been able to meet. Truly, this experience meant a lot and I hope to pick it back up one day. I never imagined I would have made it this far on Wikitubia and it's really all thanks to everyone I've met here.
-CheesePlatter :)