0601yukata is a Japanese YouTuber who has posted Pokémon, Beyblade, and Plarail content.
Plarail videos[]
0601yukata started his channel in 2007 and, released his first video, called "THE FIGHTING PLARAIL".[1] This video started a genre of Plarail trains fighting to see whoever is the last to survive in the track that the trains are on.
Later on, 0601yukata released more FIGHTING PLARAIL videos., such as one of his most famous videos, プラレールでSASUKE (サスケ) Plarail's Ninja Warrior.[2] 0601yukata released more videos until his last one, プラレールでバトルロワイヤル2014 THE FIGHTING PLARAIL on December 24, 2014.[3]
Beyblade videos[]
The first of these Beyblade videos started with Beyblade ベイブレード MG vs HMS on March 1, 2010.[4] His most popular Beyblade video is Beyblade ベイブレード, which features random Beyblades duking it out on a Beyblade ring.[5]
Pokémon videos[]
Finally, 0601yukata started posting Pokémon content. On August 9, 2012, he posted Pokémon Black2 ポケモンブラック2投稿テスト test video, which had brought Pokémon videos to his channel.[6]