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We’re stronger together


Aliakai (birthday: June 6)[1] is an American YouTuber who makes videos on polytheism. She is a Hellenist.[citation needed]

Personal life[]

Aliakai is genderfluid, and uses she/they pronouns.[2] They are bisexual[3] and polyamourous.[4] Aliakai is one of the Haida people, a Native American group.[5] Aliakai has a tribal tattoo on their back.[6]

Aliakai is an author, who has published work both officially and through self-publishing.[7] She speaks six languages.[8] Aliakai has a pet rat named Thor,[9] and a Gargoyle gecko named Marmaras.[10]

She was diagnosed with ADHD around the age of 24.[11] Aliakai has celiac disease.[12] She is a vegetarian[13] for medical reasons.[14] As a child, Aliakai was bullied, and learned to defend herself from an early age.[15]

Beliefs and views[]

Aliakai is a Hellenist polytheist,[16] and believes that “it's likely that many of the ancient Gods are real, but the myths written about Them are not historical fact but rather teaching stories about Them and Their properties.” She worships her particular pantheon due to personal experience.[17] This personal experience was a vision of Athena.[18] Aliakai also pays deference to the Haida deities, and her ancestors.[19]

They grew up “hyperconservative”, then “moved from being a TERF centrist, to intersectional feminist, [and] got radicalized in college.”[20]


Aliakai uploaded her first video, Does Ray Comfort Have the Cure?, on June 5, 2020.[21] She uploaded her first Paganism 101 video, Is Zeus a Predator?, on June 26, 2020.[22] Aliakai also has a Common Hellenism (Hellenism for Beginners) series.[23]

Subscriber milestones[]

  • 1,000 subscribers: September 17, 2020[24]
  • 5,000 subscribers: April 27, 2021[25]
  • 10,000 subscribers: September 15, 2022[26]


  1. Dance with Satan and Enjoy Psychedelics. As someone born on June 6th at 6 AM, sounds about right.. Aliakai – Twitter (January 22, 2021).
  2. Aliakai. Twitter.
  3. I'm more attracted to women than men. But there aren't many lesbians willing to consider dating bi women, and statistically I meet more interested men I'm likely to connect to. It's unfair to claim my attraction goes away with dick.. Aliakai – Twitter (May 25, 2021).
  4. As a polyamorous person, what the hell are you on about?. Aliakai – Twitter (May 13, 2021).
  5. I'm Haida. I'm literally native American. As in indigenous american. Thanks for whitesplaining though. I appreciate it. It's a wonderful showing on your character that you'll assume things about people you engage with on the internet dishonestly.. Aliakai – Twitter (May 26, 2021).
  6. Nope. It's actually a character from my stories that evolved to be more my personal avatar. The wings are based on the tribal tattoo I have on my back.. Aliakai – Twitter (May 10, 2021).
  7. I know folks on both sides, though mostly fiction. I'm a hybrid author myself. Some of my work has been published officially, some self published. It's a rough road to go indie but imo totally worth it if you're in the right market.. Aliakai – Twitter (August 9, 2021).
  8. Altars, Votive Offerings, and Hellenism Oh My! (Live Q&A) @Ocean Keltoi. Aliakai – YouTube (December 29, 2020).
  9. Thor says hi! #petratsoftwitter #petrat #rattie. Aliakai – Twitter (August 24, 2021).
  10. Did anybody ask me for pics of Marmaras (aside from patrons)? No? You're getting them anyway because he's too fracking cute!!! The vine he's hiding between in the third pic is as thick as my index finger. He's utterly terrified of the world and needs to settle down for a bit.. Aliakai – Twitter (July 9, 2021).
  11. Getting Diagnosed With ADHD Later in Life. Aliakai – YouTube (December 18, 2020).
  12. As someone with celiac, fuck that noise. Some places take proper precautions but eating out is a roll of the dice every time. And the effects aren't just the initial "food poisoning," they can make just thinking straight difficult for days to sometimes a whole week.. Aliakai – Twitter (August 22, 2021).
  13. Vegetarian here and I approve this message.. Aliakai – Twitter (November 3, 2020).
  14. When I say it'll kill me, I mean I'm physically allergic to a protein found in mammal meat. I became veg out of necessity to begin with. The cross contamination can make me very ill and I've ended up in hospital with anaphylactic shock before. >.>. Aliakai – Twitter (June 12, 2020).
  15. Getting Diagnosed With ADHD Later in Life. Aliakai – YouTube (December 14, 2020).
  16. Aliakai. Twitter.
  17. I'm a pagan and believe it's likely that many of the ancient Gods are real, but the myths written about Them are not historical fact but rather teaching stories about Them and Their properties. I worship my particular pantheon due to personal experience. As do most pagans.. Aliakai – Twitter (June 19, 2020).
  18. So You've Had a Divine Experience. Aliakai – Twitter (February 19, 2021).
  19. 1,000 SUB CELEBRATION Q&A!. Aliakai – YouTube (September 20, 2020).
  20. This is a big mood. I grew up hyperconservative, then moved from being a TERF centrist, to intersectional feminist, got radicalized in college and am now a pretty active communist. I've only gotten further left as I've watched those around me suffer at the hands of the system.. Aliakai – Twitter (June 8, 2020).
  21. Does Ray Comfort Have the Cure?. Aliakai – YouTube (June 5, 2020).
  22. Is Zeus a Predator?. Aliakai – YouTube (June 26, 2020).
  23. Common Hellenism (Hellenism for Beginners). Playlist (Aliakai) – YouTube.
  24. 1K!!!!!!!!!!
    Doing a Q&A stream on Saturday. Come with your questions and we'll have some fun!
    . Aliakai – Twitter (September 17, 2020).
  25. We did it guys! 5k before my and the channel's birthdays! Not bad for a first year on YouTube, especially given how crazy folks thought @JenDragonQueen and I were for starting an allyship community between atheists and pagans. We really are stronger together!. Aliakai – Twitter (April 27, 2021).
  26. 10k Q&A (With Einar of Midgard) Lore Olympus, Living Your Tradition, Book Suggestions, and more!. Aliakai - Youtube (September 15, 2022).