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Aron Ra (born: October 15, 1962 (1962-10-15) [age 62]), formerly L. Aron Nelson, is an American atheist voice actor vlogger and activist.

His videos mainly focus on Biology, emphasizing countering creationist claims and advocating rationalism in science education. He also posts written material on his website LocoLobo. He is the Texas State Director of American Atheists. He was also previously a co-host on the podcast Dogma Debates with David Smalley. When describing his political beliefs, he considers himself on the left along with thinkers like Noam Chomsky.

Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism[]

This is a seventeen-part series of videos in which AronRa addresses the most popular claims of creationists. The series is highly critical of the methods employed by creationists - describing the ringleaders as liars - some of whom have a financial interest in the beliefs they are pushing. The series is aimed at the general public, who he feels are being deceived by the purveyors of creationist misinformation.

AronRa's criticism of religion is typically restricted to claims conflicting with science. It is asserted that many scientists are themselves religious, and the choice of "evolution or God" is a false dichotomy. Science, by its very nature, can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God, although it can disprove naturalistic claims made by religions and their texts. The series runs as follows:

  1. "Evolution = atheism"
  2. "Scriptures are ‘Gods Word’ "
  3. "Human interpretation = absolute truth"
  4. "Belief = knowledge"
  5. Evolution(ism) part one - "the religion of atheism"
  6. Evolution(ism) part two - What evolution is and isn't
  7. "Evolution is random"
  8. "Mutations are rare, harmful decreases in genetic information"
  9. "No transitional species have ever been found"
  10. Cladistic phylogenetics - exploring Darwin's tree of life
  11. Macroevolution has never been observed
  12. Intelligent design creationism in opposition to material science
  13. "Evolutionist hoaxes" and creationist frauds
  14. "Creation is evident" - part one (Warning: Contains Kirk Cameron. Viewer discretion is advised)
  15. "Creation is evident" - part two
  16. "Evolution has never been proved. It's still just a theory, not a fact." (Part I)
  17. "Evolution has never been proved. It's still just a theory, not a fact." (Part II)

In 2016 Aron released a book and audiobook with the same name and structure, based on this series, where he explores those topics in greater depth.

Anger Issues[]


Aronra Screaming At Godless-2

Godless went on Christian SJ Thomason's stream to mock Aronra together while watching videos of him arguing with Presuppositionalists.

Godless Girl discussed how Mr Batman defeated Aronra in their debate. Mr Batman and Godless went on Smokey Saint Stream together to mock Aronra. She tried to question him on social media and Aronra blocked her on both Twitter and Facebook.

Systematic Classification of Life[]

Aron developed this video series "to help people appreciate the beauty and scientific power of cladistics or common ancestry" and thereby convince creationists of evolution.

YouTube Series[]

Aron has several YouTube series' where he talks about specific topic(s) and analyses them in depth.

  • Ra-Men Podcast - Aron Ra's podcast where he and other people talk about a wide variety of topics, usually relating to religion. (113 videos)
  • How Aron Ra disproves Noah's flood - Aron uses several branches of science such as meteorology and archaeology in order to disprove the story of Noah's flood as described in the Biblical account of Genesis. (8 videos)
  • Birds are Definitely Dinosaurs - Aron analyzes the scientific records for both birds and dinosaurs to prove that birds evolved from dinosaurs as evolutionists claim. (10 videos)
  • Supposed Lies in the Text Books - Aron responds and debunks a seminar by Christian apologist Kent Hovind in which Hovind claims that science textbooks are lying and that Creationism is scientifically accurate. (9 videos, 1 was deleted) (Ongoing)
  • Irrefutable Proof of God - Aron responds and debunks a series of videos by Christian apologist David C. Pack, where he claims to have irrefutable proof God exists.(19 videos)
  • Qur'anic Lessons - Aron and some other people analyze the Quran in a series of videos. (25+ videos) (Ongoing)
  • Rebutting Genesis Apologetics - Aron responds and debunks a series of videos by Genesis Apologetics, which purports alleged disproof of evolution targeted at students from grade school through college.

External Links[]
