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Black Blorchestra is a music video channel that is operated from Hong Kong, and there is only one video uploaded on the channel. The only video is the music video of the unofficial anthem of Hong Kong called "Glory to Hong Kong", "Glory be to thee, Hong Kong", or 願榮光歸香港. Glory to Hong Kong was created by an anonymous person (under the name "Thomas dgx yhl"), and unlike other anthems, this was an original song. The owner of the channel is unknown, and the people of Hong Kong are generally negative of the official national anthem of China. The videos are two minutes long, and the video is in Standard Cantonese. Even though the video is in Cantonese, there are a lot of English language comments, and the video takes place in an orchestra. There are millions of views for the video, and the video is in 4k. The video is filmed in super widescreen which does not look natural on a 16:9 monitor, and there is an overwhelming support for the video and movement. There is a dark theme to the video since the video is dark on purpose during the filming process.

The flags are used by the protesters and the government which are shown below.

Symbols/Flags of Movement

  • Official Flag of Hong Kong: This is not well received and part of the pro-Beijing point of view. This is most associated with the current government which is not well received.
Hong Kong Flag

Official Flag

  • Flag as used by protesters: This flag is used by protesters and used to replace the official government flag as a form of a symbol of the negativity of current government and fall of Hong Kong.
Black Hong Kong Flag

Flag as used by protesters

  • Flag of British Hong Kong: This flag is used by the later part of Hong Kong as a British Overseas Territory, and this is seen as the golden age of Hong Kong. This is often waved, and a percentage of Hong Kong support British rule.
British Hong Kong Flag

British Hong Kong Flag

