Felix Lace, better known online as Black Pigeon Speaks or BPS for short, is a political, social commentary, and vlogging channel discussing a variety of topics such as politics, news, current events, and vlogs from a far-right viewpoint.
Black Pigeon Speaks created his channel on November 13, 2011. He became more active within the YouTube political scene in 2016 and began gaining a following.
BPS analyzes a current event, online events, and other related material from a right-wing point of view. His channel began growing throughout 2016 due to his unique approach of presenting information without overtly showing his bias.
Due to the content of his nature, Black Pigeon Speaks has attracted some critics during his YouTube career, mainly by media firms and RationalWiki. Many of his detractors call him a conspiracy theorist and he has gotten into a fair bit of actual controversy with other YouTubers in the recent past.
On June 4th, 2019, YouTube terminated his monetization on his channel. Nine days later, BPS was banned from YouTube temporarily until his content was restored.