Black Walder, formerly known as 27khloe is a cooking and reupload channel that contain clips of Family Guy. The cooking videos are usually around 15 minutes long, and the videos take place in the outdoors. Even though the first video is 2 hours long, this is the most popular video that is not related to reuploads.
The video titles are in English even though the cooking videos are are in Vietnamese, and there is no location directly stated from the channel. However, the most popular and recent videos are about Family Guy reuploads, and the video titles make a summary in the title of the video without saying Family Guy.
However, the thumbnails from the reupload videos are directly from the video, and there appears to be no custom thumbnails. There seem to be a male and female host for the cooking videos.
Black Walder seemed to be terminated according to the most popular video's video giving a notice that the videos have been terminated. A possible cause for the termination is that the reuploads break copyright terms on YouTube.[1]