Simon Smith, better known online as Detective Void, is a Russian YouTuber known for his SCP videos. He is known for his avatar, which is a pale skinned caucasian male, dressed in a plain white shirt with a black tie, black/grey pants and a large black mask, with glowing eyeholes that cover his entire face.
He does SCP explain videos that are fully animated, that are produced by a multicultural team. videos are produced daily, most of the time there over 10 minutes long. Simon, has created some lore for his avatar. When the Detective Void, channel was created it was only meant to be a SCP animation channel, the lore was created when the channel started getting popular.
Personal life[]
Not much is known about Simon's, personal life other that he is from Russia, he has a little sister named Leila and he has a pet bird named Dumpling.
- Simon can speak many different languages.
- Simon for some reason has a page on Survive The Disaster.
- Simon's pet bird is a Budgerigar Budgerigar.
- Simon also has a page on Heroes Wiki.
- The Russian, Turkish, German, Spanish and Brazilian channels are all consider official by Simon.