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YouTube magnifying glass
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Device Orchestra is a Finnish YouTuber who creates music covers using various objects (electric toothbrushes in particular). Though he started his career on January 2, 2014 (a day after his channel's creation),[1] he returned to his career on March 2, 2019.[2]


Before YouTube, he was studying computer science in university for a few years, and working as a software developer for about 6 years, though creating music has always been a hobby for those years.

He uploaded his first video, "The Imperial March on a Toaster", on January 2, 2014.

He briefly returned by uploaded his second video, "A Washing Machine Plays My Heart Will Go On", on March 25, 2017.

He returned in January 2019 with a video called "The Imperial March Toaster - How Did I Do It?", where he revealed his face. In the video, he talks about himself a bit, the inspiration for his first video, then how he actually did it, by putting a phone into the toaster and using the phone's vibrator to play a tune inside it, the toaster amplifying the vibration's noises.

He then returned to YouTube with "US National Anthem on 7 Credit Card Machines" on March 2, 2019, which was also the first appearance of his official intro to the videos, and has been putting out videos approximately 1-3 months since.

In June 2019 for his cover of Take On Me by a-ha, his electric toothbrushes got googly eyes after being requested by a user named thirsten55, which gained support from others. Afterwards however, a trend began of fans saying that there are "not enough googly eyes", so he started adding more googly eyes to his objects. In July 2019 for his cover of Darude by Sandstorm, he put googly eyes on all the devices, plus the bottle opener and ice-cream scoop dangling from the toothbrushes, totaling 14 eyes according to the description. Then in August 2019 for his cover of Für Elise, the googly eyes were added to anything that could have a face, including keys on the keyboard. Finally, he fully embraced the googly eyes on December 2019 with his cover of Jingle Bells, with the googly eyes being used as decorations for the wall and tree, leading to them being used for a lot of decorations in future videos. He also started adding wigs and hats to his toothbrushes, starting from September 2019 in his cover of The Zelda Theme.


  • He used to play a lot of Contra on a Famicom, according to one of his videos.[3]
  • He is very similar to a Polish YouTuber called Paweł Zadrożniak.
  • Some of his devices have names. The Toothbrush is "Bob Floss", Credit Card Machine is "Cardy B", Toaster is "Bready Mercury", Steam Iron is "Ron", and Typewriter is "Mike Typeson".
    • Bob Floss, who sports an orange fluffy wig and first appeared in the cover of The Knight Rider Theme, would become the face of Device Orchestra, currently being the channel's PFP.
  • His video covering In the Hall of the Mountain King currently has the most devices used in one video, being 17, with 7 electric toothbrushes, 7 credit card machines, 2 steam irons and 1 electric typewriter, while the video covering The Ghostbusters Theme has the second most devices, being 14, and the most variety of devices, with 3 electric toothbrushes, 5 card machines, 2 typewriters, a steam iron, a body trimmer, an epilator, and a nail polishing device.

