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Fred, better known online as FredsVoice ASMR, is an English YouTuber who makes roleplay and comedic-style ASMR videos for YouTube. Not much is known about Fred, besides the fact that he is an extremely enthusiastic fan of the sci-fi multi-media franchise Star Wars. His fanaticism extends to such a degree that one of his alternate YouTube Channels, SKYMAN UNIVERSE, is based entirely around Star Wars reaction content.

While the FredsVoice ASMR channel is considered to be his primary channel, Fred's other channels include the aforementioned SKYMAN UNIVERSE, his Vlog channel Knight Adventures, and his ambience channel ChillFred.


Fred uploads a vast variety of ASMR videos such as soft whispering, keyboard typing, and roleplays. His videos average view counts in the hundreds of thousands, with some reaching as high as >20M, such as his most popular video, which currently has a total of 30 million views.

Fred's roleplay videos primarily inhabit an original universe of interconnected characters, mostly surrounding the various shopkeepers that run businesses within the 'Farquaad Estate,' sometimes referred to as 'Duloc.' Within this universe, the 'Farquaad Estate' is ruled over by Lord Farquaad, who is based on and visually resembles the character of the same name from the first Shrek film. The inhabitants of the 'Farquaad Estate' regard themselves to be above the "riff-raff" or "common people," which lends to the comedic tone of Fred's roleplays, in which he primarily plays "rude English gentlemen."

Some of Fred's reoccurring characters include:

  • The Rude English Gentleman
  • The Nicest Doctor
  • Dr. Lightspeed
  • The Rude, Nicest, and Fastest Barbers
  • Fred Ross
  • The Security Guard
  • The Retro Games Store Attendant
  • The Illegal Tingles Dealer
  • The Technology Cleaner

Family and Personal Life[]

Fred currently has a wife whom which he has been married to for an unknown amount of years. His wife has appeared in several of his older videos. Fred also two children: a daughter named Leia, and a son named Luke, both named after the characters from the Star Wars franchise[1].
