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Google DeepMind is a team of scientists, engineers, and machine learning experts who work to advance artificial intelligence.[1] It is owned by Alphabet, and headquartered in London.[2]


DeepMind was founded by Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, and Shane Legg,[3] on September 23, 2010. It was originally named Friars 2022 Limited. It is a Private Limited Company. On November 15, 2010, the organisation changed its name to DeepMind.[4] As of 2021, the directors are Kenneth Hohee Yi and Ronan Aubyn Harris.[5]

In 2019, Suleyman was investigated by a law firm for bullying staff, was stripped of his managerial responsibilities,[6] and placed on leave.[7] Suleyman left the company for a role at Google.[8]

The first major investment in DeepMind came from Peter Thiel.[9] Elon Musk was another early investor.[10] In 2014, DeepMind was purchased by Google for around $600 million.[11] Google won the deal over Facebook.[12]

DeepMind established their scholarships programme in 2017, in an effort to help build a more inclusive AI community. The scholarships provide financial support to students from underrepresented groups seeking to study graduate courses relating to AI and adjacent fields. Scholars are also offered support from a DeepMind mentor, and have opportunities to attend leading AI academic conferences and DeepMind events.[13]

In March 2019, DeepMind announced the opening of the DeepMind Paris lab, their first lab in continental Europe.[14]

In August 2019, DeepMind announced their podcast.[15]

DeepMind supports professorships at the Universities of Cambridge[16] and Oxford,[17] and scholarships at University College London.[18]

NHS data sharing controversy[]

In September 2015, DeepMind and the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) signed a controversial patient-data sharing agreement, ostensibly to develop an app for the detection of kidney disease. 1.6 million[19] patients were not made aware that their medical records were shared with DeepMind. An investigation was opened by the UK’s data protection watchdog into the legality of the arrangement. DeepMind claimed that they did not need patient consent, because the app would be used for direct patient care.[20] In 2017, the watchdog declared that the NHS Trust broke the law. DeepMind appointed a group to independent reviewers to look at the deal.[21]


In 2016, DeepMind built an AI system which helped save around 30% of the energy needed to cool Google’s data centres.[22] The company described it as “a phenomenal step forward.”[23]

In 2018, DeepMind helped Android to create Adaptive Battery, which anticipates which apps a person will use next, and Adaptive Brightness, which automatically adjusts screen brightness.[24]


On November 13, 2018, it was announced that DeepMind Health was officially joining Google.[25]

DeepMind partnered with Moorfields Eye Hospital to develop faster ways of identifying common eye diseases. The results showed that DeepMind’s AI system could recommend patient referrals as accurately as expert doctors for over 50 eye diseases,[26] based on one million anonymised scans.[27]

In 2016, DeepMind began developing an algorithm to differentiate between healthy and cancerous tissues, using 700 anonymised CT and MRI scans.[28] In 2017, they began applying AI to breast cancer detection.[29]


In 2016, DeepMind built its AlphaGo program,[30] which was the first to beat a professional Go player. Netflix went on to make a documentary about the five-game match between AlphaGo and world champion Lee SeDol.[31] Demis Hassabis described Go as “the pinnacle of board game challenges."[32] In 2017, DeepMind announced Alpha Go Zero, which learned the game with only the board and the rules. Within 72 hours, it beat the original program by 100 games to zero.[33] It learned by playing millions of games against itself, using what it learned in each game to improve.[34]

DeepMind has also produced neural networks that can beat humans at Pong and Breakout,[35] and AIs that can play Quake III Arena[36] and StarCraft II.[37]


DeepMind started work on AlphaFold in 2016. It targets the Protein folding problem, and was widely hailed as a solution to it. The success of AlphaFold has been described as a scientific breakthrough.[38] AlphaFold outperformed around 100 other teams in CASP, a biennial protein-structure prediction challenge.[39] DeepMind has made AlphaFold predictions freely available to scientists.[40]


DeepMind has signed The Lethal Autonomous Weapons Pledge against using their technologies for lethal autonomous weapons. They helped found the Partnership On AI, which brings together academics, charities, and company labs to solves challenges.[41]


The DeepMind YouTube channel mostly uploads educational lectures. The channel uploaded its first video, RL Course by David Silver - Lecture 9: Exploration and Exploitation, on May 13, 2015.[42]


  1. DeepMind – About. YouTube.
  2. Why the buzz around DeepMind is dissipating as it transitions from games to science. (June 5, 2020).
  3. Google makes £400m move in quest for artificial intelligence. Financial Times.
  6. Read the leaked email that Google's AI firm DeepMind sent to staff after the bombshell news that its cofounder faced a bullying investigation. Insider (August 9, 2021).
  7. DeepMind's cofounder was placed on leave after employees complained about bullying and humiliation for years. Then Google made him a VP.. Insider (August 3, 2021).
  8. DeepMind co-founder leaves for policy role at Google. Madhumita Murgia - Financial Times (December 5, 2019).
  9. How DeepMind convinced billionaire Peter Thiel to invest without moving the company to Silicon Valley. Sam Shead – (July 18, 2017).
  10. Elon Musk: Artificial Intelligence 'Potentially More Dangerous Than Nukes'. Anthony Cuthbertson – International Business Times (August 4, 2014).
  11. How Google's Amazing AI Start-Up 'DeepMind' Is Making Our World A Smarter Place. Bernard Marr – (February 2, 2017).
  12. Google Beat Facebook for DeepMind, Creates Ethics Board. Amir Efrati – The Information (January 26, 2014).
  13. Scholarships to open the field of AI.
  14. Retour à Paris / A return to Paris. (March 29, 2018).
  15. DeepMind: The Podcast.
  16. Cambridge appoints first DeepMind Professor of Machine Learning. University of Cambridge (September 18, 2019).
  17. DeepMind funds new post at Oxford University – the DeepMind Professorship of Artificial Intelligence. University of Oxford (November 4, 2020).
  18. DeepMind renews its commitment to UCL. UCL (November 22, 2019).
  19. DeepMind launches new research team to investigate AI ethics. James Vincent - (October 4, 2017).
  20. Documents detail DeepMind’s plan to apply AI to NHS data in 2015.. Natasha Lomas – (August 31, 2017).
  21. UK data regulator says DeepMind’s initial deal with the NHS broke privacy law. Romain Dillet – (July 3, 2017).
  22. Scientific advances, real world benefits.
  23. DeepMind AI Reduces Google Data Centre Cooling Bill by 40%. (July 20, 2016).
  24. DeepMind, meet Android. (May 8, 2018).
  25. Why Google consuming DeepMind Health is scaring privacy experts. Chris Stokel-Walker – (November 14, 2018).
  26. Scientific advances, real world benefits.
  27. Google's DeepMind to peek at NHS eye scans for disease analysis. Chris Baraniuk – (July 5, 2016).
  28. Google DeepMind targets NHS head and neck cancer treatment. Chris Baraniuk - (August 31, 2016).
  29. Google DeepMind announces new research partnership to fight breast cancer with AI. Eric David – (November 24, 2017).
  30. Why the buzz around DeepMind is dissipating as it transitions from games to science. (June 5, 2020).
  31. Where we began.
  32. Google achieves AI 'breakthrough' by beating Go champion. (January 27, 2016).
  33. Google DeepMind: AI becomes more alien. Rory Cellan-Jones – (October 18, 2017).
  34. AlphaGo Zero Shows Machines Can Become Superhuman Without Any Help. Will Knight – MIT Technology Review (October 18, 2017).
  35. The Last AI Breakthrough DeepMind Made Before Google Bought It For $400m. The Physics arXiv Blog – (January 29, 2014).
  36. DeepMind AI’s new trick is playing ‘Quake III Arena’ like a human. R. LeFebvre – (July 3, 2018).
  37. DeepMind AI Challenges Pro StarCraft II Players, Wins Almost Every Match. Ryan Whitwam – (January 24, 2019).
  38. AlphaFold: The making of a scientific breakthrough. DeepMind – YouTube (November 30, 2020).
  39. ‘It will change everything’: DeepMind’s AI makes gigantic leap in solving protein structures. Ewen Callaway – (November 30, 2020).
  40. AlphaFold.
  41. Our approach.
  42. RL Course by David Silver - Lecture 9: Exploration and Exploitation. DeepMind – YouTube (May 13, 2015).