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hackerling (born: November 6, 1999 (1999-11-06) [age 25]),[1] or simply Hacker (also known as Bugsnhaxer, formerly octolinghacker), is an American YouTuber who uploads music covers of songs from memes and video games. She gained popularity when GameGrumps and Jacksepticeye hosted an Among Us game with her.

On Twitch, she mainly plays the game Bugsnax. She has also said her second favorite game is Celeste. Some of her covers did not even take her long to make, yet she is still proud of them the most. She also has been on multiple other channels (Octoboy, Fyrus, etc.) for playing Splatoon 2 in videos.


  • Her favorite video game is Splatoon.
  • Her favorite music genre is video game.
  • She is asexual.


  1. it's time (Hacker 3D Model Debut Stream!) by HackerlingVODs (746s mark). YouTube. May 21, 2021.