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Joshua (born: April 3, 2000 (2000-04-03) [age 24]), better known as Joshy (Joshy) or Shy (his stagename), is an English musician and YouTuber who first came to prominence by collaborating with Memeulous in his gameplay videos of Club Penguin, Bin Weevils, and other kid-friendly MMOs from the 2000s. He often collabs with the Eboys but is not an official member of the group.

Like Memeulous, Joshy is mainly known for his commentary and reaction videos on influencers and internet drama. However, he also does gameplay videos of Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, and Club Penguin. In 2020 he shifted towards Omegle challenges and pranks.

In September 2021, Joshy announced that he would become less active on YouTube to focus on music production.
