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Judson Laipply (born: March 22, 1976 (1976-03-22) [age 48]) is an American motivational speaker and dancer. He is best known for creating "Evolution of Dance", one of the first videos to become the most-viewed on YouTube.


In December 2007, Judson appeared in an advert on the BBC for the 'dance season' during the Christmas Holidays. "Evolution of Dance" was #1 on the show Rude Tube hosted by Alex Zane and Laipply was interviewed on the show. Judson was also featured in the music video for Weezer's song "Pork and Beans" along with several other Internet celebrities.

In February 2010, the video was used as a question reference on the game show Jeopardy! in the 2010 college championships. In "The Delivery" episode of The Office, Andy Bernard does the dance sans music as a pregnancy distraction for Pam. In 2011 Judson also appeared on Tosh.0, hosted by Daniel Tosh.

He did another video, called "The Evolution of the Touchdown Dance", which included memorable NFL touchdown dances, like "The Ickey Shuffle", Joe Horn's cell phone celebration, and famous celebrations from Terrell Owens and Chad Ochocinco.

Evolution of Dance[]

The idea of evolution of dance came to Judson when doing his motivational speaking (he refers to it as inspirational comedy) he would talk about how life is changing and he wanted to do something at the end of his program. He wanted it to be a high energy idea that things are always changing over time.

Even though it was a viral hit, Evolution of Dance was never intended to be released on the internet. Some students in a school in Connecticut contacted Judson over Myspace to convince him to release the video so their friends can see it.


  • He knew most of the dance moves he did on his EOD video, some he had to work on.
  • On June 4, 2006, he surpassed Smosh as the number one most-subscribed channel. He was overthrown by Brookers 23 days later.