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Y recuerden chicos, cepillen sus vegetales y cómanse sus dientes
And remember guys, brush your vegetables and eat your teeth


Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega (born: January 27, 1994 (1994-01-27) [age 30]), better known as MissaSinfonia (or simply Missa), is a Mexican YouTuber known for his comedy videos.


He uploaded his first video in 2011 titled "Common Day Part 1".

Among his most popular videos is his famous series "Analyzing The Rose of Guadalupe" of which he has 14 parts, of which the ninth of them was censored and re-uploaded to his secondary channel, YoSoyMissa, and another was deleted and re-uploaded by a fanatic.

Some dubbing among them of products for television of which they also risked.

Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega currently has an active channel which is "MissaSinfonia" where he makes Vlogs, Sketches, music or tells anecdotes about his life.

In February 2018, he reached 1,000,000 subscribers thanks to his effort and dedication with YouTube, and he currently has more than 12,000,000 subscribers.

He has had other channels, among them "YoSoyMissa", "Playing with Missa" or "VlogsFuckYeah" (as a participant). He has also mentioned that since he was a child he made videos, however he did not publish them, he has also shown channels that he created some time ago in which he used Loquendo and / or recorded directly to the screen.


  • MissaSinfonia: (Channel Director, Vlogs, Music, Sketches).
  • YoSoyMissa: (Random occasional videos, mostly uploads her adventures).
  • PlayingWithMissa: (Occasional Videos of Gameplays and Highlights).
  • crowblackrlz: Inactive and inaccessible to videos (Vlogs, songs and other things).
  • NoMeJodasTV: Inactivated (A single promotional video with Rola and Iván Arturo Morales).
  • It is known that formerly they were in a collaborative channel called VlogsFuckYea, in which they uploaded videos with Ale Moreno and a few others, in this channel they had a section called "Monday of Missa".
  • Some videos were re-uploaded to MissaSinfonia.


In 2008 it was created on the channel "Crowblackrlz" which was renamed "Yo Soy Missa :D!" in this one were videos like: - "In Missa's house" song with other unidentified individuals, which related a story about being locked up and being subnormal.

- "I'm a DJ" A well-known video blog, in which he made fun of the DJ Posers and also made various jokes, such as pulling an ace out of his sleeve (he literally takes out a huge card) and other things. - "I won" Video with Rola in which he wins a Pan Bimbo, he rubs it on his face saying "Win!"


  • Vaya internet, lo has vuelto a hacer - Wow internet, you have done it again
  • Donde esta mi regalo?, p1nche santa! - where is my gift?, fuck1ng santa!
  • Cada vez que vea una p3ndejada, metere una moneda a este frasco - Every time I see bullsh1t, I'll put a coin in this jar.
  • Soy un imbécil profesional - I'm a professional jerk


  • His name comes from an abbreviation of his name Missael , Missa and the word Sinfonía (Symphony). He used Sinfonía because he thought that if he ever became famous it would be because of his music.
  • He has stated that if he could change something from his channel, it would be the name.
  • He has revealed that he is ambidextrous, however he prefers to use his left hand when writing.
  • Missa cried 6 hours straight over an episode of Kirby, when Chilly, the enemy that gives Kirby the power of Ice, melts.
  • He used to be a music teacher before becoming known on YouTube.
  • Apparently he likes Rock and Metal music.
  • He really likes music and he currently has a collection of weird instruments.
  • He currently resides in the city of Los Mochis, Sinaloa.
  • He has a brother and sister, Rola and Silvia who have also made appearances in different videos, is known makes accessories and other gamer crafts.
  • None of his siblings bear any notable resemblance to him.
  • He likes video games, especially those from Nintendo and The Legend of Zelda saga (especially The legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask for Nintendo 64).