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YouTube magnifying glass
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Brock Barrus (born: June 17, 1987 (1987-06-17) [age 37]), better known online as Moo (formerly Moo Snuckel), is an American YouTuber and comedic YouTuber known for his exotic laugh and pun jokes. He is respected for his bubbly personality and rare use of profanity.


After joining YouTube with the name BnBENTERPR1SES in May of 2011, he posted a first video about 2 weeks later called "10 Kills in 30 Seconds." The video featured footage from Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Moo Snuckel who became most notable for his comedic commentaries for the games Grand Theft Auto and Garry's Mod. He has earned over 3 million subscribers.

Quitting YouTube[]

On January 5, 2024, Brock announced that he would be stepping away from YouTube full time, but insisted that he wasn't quitting YouTube, but mainly wanted to focus on his family and new career beginnings. He was stepping away from YouTube that he struggles with severe anxiety, especially social anxiety.[1]

Personal life[]

Moo has a wife named Lauren, with whom he sometimes plays with and answers some of his QnA. The pair has a daughter, who sometimes sneaks into his office and play with him.

In a Q&A video posted on February 27, 2022, Lauren announced she was pregnant with a second child, a boy, who was born later in June.

Games series[]

  • Assassin's Creed Valhalla
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  • Fall Guys
  • Garry's Mod (GMod)
  • GTA Online
  • Hand Simulator
  • Human Fall Flat
  • ManEater
  • Mario Kart 8
  • Minecraft
  • PUBG Mobile
  • Resident Evil 7:Biohazard
  • Rogue Company
  • Super Bomberman R
  • Uno


  • "Wowzers!" - Said during St.Patricks day GMOD Death run "Panda's brewery"
  • "It's what I do." - after taking BigJigglyPanda out with a bomb, Bomberman Rage.
  • "Can we restart?"
  • "Oh look. A dinosaur."
  • "I like to watch." - usually said when Brock's character in-game is awkwardly observing in the background


  • Brock's favorite animal is a dog.
  • Brock does not like spiders, he refers to them as godless killing machines
  • Brock is a fan of Harry Potter, and he has decided he is in Hufflepuff.
  • Brock played rugby prior to his YouTube career.
  • His username, "Moo Snuckel", means a male camel-toe, which he found to be hilarious until he gained popularity. He later regretted his unprofessional username, but in summer 2017 he changed his name to just Moo.
  • He seldom swears and laughs off the pranks his friends do to him, though as time went on in 2017, he has become progressively angry when his friends prank him.
  • Moo usually never rages in his videos. The only games that make him rage are Golf it, Mario Kart, and Fall Guys mostly after being annoyed by DaithiDeNogla or Terroriser. In more recent videos however he completely loses it if he is provoked for long enough.
  • During Golf It sessions in 2018, Brock acquired a Logitech G502 mouse, and Terroriser introduced a running gag where whenever Moo became angry during the sessions to point he'd smash something Terroriser would simply say "Logitech G502" to refer to the mouse. He also sometimes added "Scroll wheel"
  • He has a daughter with his wife Lauren, she was born in September 2017. In late-February 2022, Brock and Lauren announced that they were expecting a second child, a boy.[2] Are We Having Another Baby?! - Q&A With My Wife (God of War Gameplay) Lauren mentioned in the video that she is currently half-way through the pregnancy, meaning that their second child should be due sometime in the summer. This makes Moo the first member out of the group(?) to have more than one child.
  • He was the first person Vanoss met out of his whole friend group.
  • He is the third oldest member of the crew, behind H20 Delirious (who was ironically born over a month and a half before Brock) and significantly younger than Mr. Sark
  • He struggles to spell words such as 'Charlie Chaplin' and 'Saxophone', as seen in sessions.
  • One time while playing golf it Moo got so mad at Terroriser, and texted him I HATE YOU!
  • Brock is the second member of the Vanoss crew to have a child, behind Mr. Sark but before Daithi De Nogla (in 2019) and H20 Delirious (in 2020)
  • The gamertags "BnBENTERPR1SES" and "NotFuzzyDunlop" in the early days of his YouTube career are references to The Wire, a TV show that Brock is a fan of. "BnBENTERPR1SES" is a play on B&B Enterprises, while "NotFuzzyDunlop" is a reference to the inside joke between the texture of a tennis ball (Fuzzy) and the manufacturer (Dunlop)
  • Brock has a habit of not generally accepting consumer electronics that are given to him by fans or sponsors, he instead trades them in at Best Buy
  • Brock will let his daughter join in him sessions occasionally, which other members of the crew find adorable.
  • During a VR Chat of the Squid Game, he had an avatar of Tigger the Tiger from Whinnie the Pooh. When asked to say his name by Terroriser, what he said next was bleeped out in both his and his friends' videos of the session. Based on Brian saying "You're getting canceled!" in a taunting manner and Evan having left the words "gger" uncensored, it is implied that Brock may have said a racist term.
    • In a text between him and Vanoss, the latter asked for Moo's consent to leave half the word uncensored, and in the end he got what he wanted. Regardless, Evan admitted that he would have done so anyway and lie by saying it was an accident.
  • Brock stated in a Golf It session that one time at McDonalds, an employee asked him, "Where's Ash and Misty?" This pissed Moo off, especially since the employee's name-tag read "Mario".

