Raid: Shadow Legends is a video game that shows various battles. The videos mostly consist of techniques of getting better at the game such as teaching the viewer about the various mechanics. The community tab is very active since there are posts weekly which is more frequent than new uploads to the channel.[citation needed]
ibxtoycat made a video showing how much the game company are willing to pay sponsors to promote their game in a video along with the reasons of not being sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends such as the scripted wording in a document[1], the sponsors getting paid on a tier system and not a flat rate[2], the required wording in the sponsor's speech[3], showing a face with positive emotions[4], etc.
Other viewers on YouTube observed that the ads seemed a bit forced compared to other sponsored segments due to the frequency and style[5] along being unhappy about their script.[6] However, he notes that the sponsorship deal has a lot of monetary value for YouTubers.[7]