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Ian Andrew Hecox (born: November 30, 1987 (1987-11-30) [age 37]), is an American YouTuber, actor, comedian, writer, director, and producer. He is best known as the co-founder and co-proprietor of the Smosh YouTube channel, alongside with his partner and friend Anthony Padilla.

Ian is also known for his personal channel IanH, however, this channel is now called Smosh Pit (formerly Smosh 2nd Channel) and is used as the secondary Smosh channel, hosting various non-scripted/variety shows by the cast.


Ian was born on November 30, 1987. He met Smosh co-founder and long-time friend Anthony Padilla when they were both in 6th grade. He is younger than Anthony by 75 days.

In 2005, Anthony and Ian started the YouTube channel Smosh. They originally posted various lip-sync videos; videos that featured them lip-sync singing songs while performing comedic gestures. The most popular of these videos - "Mortal Kombat Theme" and "Pokemon Theme" - received recognition on the YouTube Front Page (the earliest version of what would be known today as YouTube Spotlight). All of the original Smosh lip-sync videos were removed between 2007 and 2008, as a result of the New Media Copyright Act.

In 2006, after establishing a strong following on YouTube as a result of their lip-sync videos, Hecox and Padilla shifted their focus to comedic skits and sketches, many of which were precursors to the mainstream success of the Smosh channel.

Hecox was the primary executor of Smosh's secondary channels from 2009 to 2012. During this time, Hecox established four channels in addition to the flagship channel; Smosh France, Smosh 2nd Channel, El Smosh, and Shut Up! Cartoons. Smosh 2nd Channel operates under the username IanH, due to it being Hecox's non-personal secondary channel.

For nearly 20 years they have been close friends but since Anthony's departure from Smosh in 2017 they have been more separated. Ian now "does a bit of everything" on Smosh. However, in late 2022, with the help of Physics Girl, one of Ian's friends, Ian reconnected with Anthony for the first time since the latter's departure, leading up to Anthony returning to Smosh and buying the company together from Mythical Entertainment in 2023.


In many Smosh videos in the pre-branded Smosh era and some videos in between the branding and Anthony's departure, Hecox is often portrayed as a dim and childish character. Among the Smosh fan-base, Hecox's character is considered a fan favorite. Although both Hecox's and Padilla's characters can be considered dim-witted, Hecox is typically shown as the less intelligent of the two.

Though he is usually shown as intellectually inferior to Anthony, there have been instances where he has outsmarted than Anthony, such as in their on-going yearly Food Battle series.

Hecox is also known for portraying duplicate persona's within the Smosh series. Since the earliest Smosh skits, Ian has appeared as more than 50 duplicate characters, making duplicate characters a staple in Smosh videos.

User polling has shown that Ian is the most popular Smosh character amongst fans.

Personal Life[]

Unlike his friend Anthony, Ian has had an extremely private personal life throughout his YouTube career. He has never had a video blog-dedicated channel, making him one of the few mainstream content creators from the early-generation YouTube celebrities without such a channel.

Ian involves members of his family in Smosh videos and, as a result, fans are far more familiar with his family than Padilla's. His mom is a recurring character on the Smosh channel, either as a caring mother to Ian, or a humorously evil antagonist. He has a dog named Sparky, an unnamed cat, and a pet lizard. He also has a sister who has appeared in Smosh videos.

In an installment of the segment Ian is Bored, as well as an episode of Smosh, Ian claimed to have had a long lost brother named Adrian Hendrix, who died in a motorcycle accident, though this is believed to be a hoax.

Ian dated Melanie Moat from 2007 to 2014, claiming their split was 'something they both wanted.' Moat was only seen in one Smosh video (Boxman Loses the Election), and in two of Hecox's own videos (Ian Is Bored #2 and Ian Is Bored #5).

Ian later dated gamer and former Playboy model, Pamela Horton, from 2015 to 2019. Aside from Ian, Pamela has been friends with much the former Smosh Games cast, even featuring them on her personal channel. She has also made various appearances across Smosh, most notably in a Smosh Games Alliance episode, the 14th episode of SmoshCast where they discussed their relationship and why they broke up, and an episode of 2 Truths 1 Lie on Smosh Pit where Ian infamously made a mistake that him cheating on Pamela was one of the "truths".

Smosh Pit[]

Smosh Pit is Smosh's second channel. This channel was originally called IanH, and was mostly used by Ian and sometimes by Anthony, but they both appeared in many videos nonetheless. Most of their videos were in the form of vlogs, but they introduced a much more structured and professionally produced weekly recap show titled Smosh Pit Weekly, hosted by Mari Takahashi. The channel was renamed to "Smosh 2nd Channel" in 2013, then to its current name in 2017.

With the introduction of the Smosh Squad in 2015, many new series were created that were more professionally produced and were all hosted by the new cast, along with new vlogs that also featured the new cast aside from Ian and Anthony. From there the channel became home of their various non-improv/variety shows that still continues to this day.

This channel was created on November 24, 2005. It has a weekly update schedule every Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Episodes of Try Not To Laugh Challenge and Culinary Crimes (along with other videos) are uploaded on Tuesdays, while episodes of Reading Reddit Stories are uploaded on Saturdays. All other shows and videos are uploaded on Thursdays. It is perhaps best known for Smosh Pit Weekly and the vlogs that featured Ian, Anthony, and later, the Smosh Squad.



Try Not To Laugh Challenge[]

Inspired by the challenge of the same name, each member of the Smosh cast attempts to survive a series of skits created by their fellow members without laughing (indicated by spitting the water from their mouths). Each episode has either a twist to the game mechanics or a guest. For several years it became Smosh Pit's most popular series, with the episode featuring Jujimufu becoming the most viewed video on the channel.


The Smosh cast attempt to answer various knowledge or trivia questions in a similar manner to Jeopardy!.

What Would They Do?[]

A member of the Smosh cast asks three contestants, usually their fellow cast, to answer questions predicting what would they would do.

Smosh Pit Theater[]

In this series, the Smosh cast act out various stories, including fan-fictions, diary stories and stories made up from actual YouTube comments.

Who Meme'd It?[]

Several Smosh Family members guess which members of the cast and crew made various Smosh-related memes. This channel was originally created on Smosh Games but was moved to the Smosh Pit channel on November 1, 2022.

Reading Reddit Stories[]

Shayne reads several stories from Reddit to two Smosh Family members or special guests. It is Smosh Pit's most popular and only weekly series.

The Challenge Pit[]

Smosh Family members participate in various challenge, usually centered on a theme in each episode.

Culinary Crimes[]

Courtney and two Smosh Family members (or special guests) investigate unusual food recipes (dubbed "food crimes").


Smosh Is Bored[]

A series started by Ian which has him and Anthony (and others) doing things while not filming. The show's original name was Ian Is Bored.

Mailtime w/ Smosh[]

In this series, Ian and Anthony would open mail sent to them from fans worldwide.

Food Tests[]

Ian, along with Anthony and sometimes Mari, would test foreign food sent over from various places such as Asian and European countries.

Speed drawings[]

Ian, Anthony and rarely Smosh Games members (Sohinki, Jovenshire, Lasercorn) would speed-draw characters from memory in 1 minute.

Lunchtime w/ Smosh[]

In this series, Ian and Anthony would eat lunch, as well as answer Twitter questions from Smosh fans.

Smosh Pit Weekly[]

In this series, Mari Takahashi counted down the top articles on the SmoshPit from the week. The show had two incarnations, with the revival also hosted by Mari but was later replaced by Shayne Topp and Damien Haas from Smosh Games for unknown reasons.

Put It in My Mouth[]

Hosted by Noah Grossman, the show involves him and guests trying out different kinds of foods, many of which are outright disgusting. It is the only show in the channel to receive a Streamy Award nomination; the show was nominated for "Best Food Channel, Show or Series" in the 2016 edition.

Smosh's Seriously Super Stupid Sleepover[]

Hosted by Courtney Miller and Olivia Sui, the show involves performing random and odd activities with guests in a slumber party setting.

Squad Vlogs[]

Smosh Squad's equivalent of Smosh is Bored.

Smosh Lab[]

Hosted by Shayne Topp and Nick Uhas of Nickipedia, the show involves the hosts (and guests in some episodes) performing and recreating various science experiments.

The Show w/ No Name![]

Hosted by the Smosh Squad, the show involves them interacting to their fans and viewers by answering fan questions, featuring fan art, and whatever they wish to talk about.

Whoa! Nature Show[]

Also hosted by Courtney and Olivia, the show involves them discovering and learning facts about animals.

One Hour Song Machine[]

Hosted by Keith Leak Jr., it involves him, Scott Passarella and a musical guest composing songs based on two items and a genre in under an hour.

First Time Story Time[]

In each episode, a member of the Smosh cast reminisce their first ever moments in life, accompanied by animations from Andrei Terbea.

2 Truths 1 Lie[]

In each episode, two (or three) members of the cast try to guess the lie among the three statements presented by the other cast member. Getting an incorrect answer will get them soaked.

Day Jobs[]

Also hosted by the Smosh Squad, the show involves them training in various jobs in a competition to determine who will "get the job" (or potentially the best fit among the Squad if they wish to apply for it).

Why We're Bad at Dating[]

Hosted by Courtney and Shayne, the show involves the hosts sharing their experiences in the dating world.

The Challenge Pit[]

In this series members of the cast perform various challenges.

Spelling Bee-Kini Wax![]

Formerly hosted by Sarah Whittle, it is a loose form of a spelling bee contest but with a twist of getting the contestants waxed if they spelt a word wrong.

Eat It or Yeet It[]

A popular Smosh Pit series, the Smosh cast attempt to eat various food, either good or bad, that are made by their producer, Garrett Palm.

Casting Ourselves[]

The Smosh cast assign themselves as characters from a popular TV show or film, and then reenact few scenes as the characters they cast themselves to.
