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Stephanie Soo (born: November 27, 1995 (1995-11-27) [age 29]) is a South Korean YouTuber that uploads videos daily. She has a husband that usually appears in her videos, especially her true crime videos where he sits out of the camera frame. She has collabed Zach Choi ASMR and Nikocado Avocado. She joined YouTube on March 29, 2017, and uploaded her first video on April 22nd the same year.


Nikocado Avocado[]

Stephanie was harassed by Nikocado Avocado through text messages and him taking photos from inside her home and making her feel uncomfortable. Nicholas offered counter-evidence through a response video, in which he displayed images of Soo showing that she was fully aware of the photos being taken.[1]

True crime videos[]

Soo was called out by many other YouTubers including Pinely for her true crime videos being disrespectful to the memories of the murdered people and using them for entertainment. In one video, she held a cheesy onion ring tower mukbang while discussing the murder of Sandra Cantu.[2][3] In another video, Soo apparently mocked the name of a deceased Polish man, Mateusz Kawecki.[4]


  • She mostly wears a jacket that shows it saying, "biss" and it is a part of Stephanie's merch. She also says biss a lot in her videos.
  • She has a husband, but his name is unknown.

