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Joshua Storm Burt(born: May 21, 1991 [age 31]), better known online as TheBurtDude (formerly BurtGasm), is an American YouTuber known for his Minecraft roleplay content. Burt would also have collaborations on channels such as BAHMLounge and ProperProduction.

Burt is friends with American Youtubers such as AviatorGaming, BigMacNation, Steven Suptic and Meganplays.

Personal life[]

Burt is a father to a son named Aiden Eli Burt. Burt currently resides in Alabama.

Early life[]

Burt was born in Oxford, Alabama on May 21, 1991. Burt would live here until 1998 when his father would get a job at Mercedes-Benz in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Burt would for a time work at Mercedes-Benz after highschool. He would then attend College until he would finally drop out and pursue a full-time career on YouTube.


Early career[]

Burt Began an interest in YouTube after much inspiration from YouTubers such as CTFXC, WheezyWaiter and SMPFilms. On January 31, 2010 he would create his first channel Burt521 where he would upload IRL content as well as Minecraft content. This channel would come to an end on January 16, 2012 with the final upload being "Quitting Youtube…". In this video Burt announces the beginning of his new channel BurtGasm.

On July 31, 2012 Burt would start a minecraft build series called Burtlandia. Burt would take comments from his community and do builds they asked for. The series would go for over a hundred episodes before Burt finally stopped building on it. The completed map is available on Planet minecraft with over 12,000 downloads.

A partnership with the MCN Machinima in November of 2012 would allow for the hobby to become a real source of income for Burt. Collaborations with friends such as AviatorGaming, Steven Suptic, MsBreezy, BigMacNation, SkyDoesEverything and many others allowed his channel to grow to 100,000 subscribers by June of 2013.

During this huge growth period Burt would move from his home of Tuscaloosa, Alabama to live with friends AviatorGaming and BigMacNation in Los Angeles, California. Burt would be an editor at Machinima as a secondary job under Hundar and Joel Rubin.


On June 20, 2013 Burt announced he would be moving to Green Bay, Wisconsin with content creator friends AviatorGaming, Steven Suptic and BigMacNation to one of the first ever creator houses. Why remained a mystery until August 5, 2013 where each creator announced the beginning of their new collaborative skit channel BAHMLounge.

During this time Burt would move his girlfriend Shelby to the house on January 1, 2014. She would become a major part of Burt's channel with their challenges they would do together. She would even take part in some BAHMLounge content.

Burt would leave BAHMLounge on July 28, 2014 to move back to Alabama for Shelby to live closer to family after a death in her family. Burt and the BAHMLounge group would continue to game together, plus had the occasional meet up on each other's personal channels.


Burt’s channel would begin a new series of challenges one week after Shelby moved to the BAHMLounge house. On January 8, 2014 their first challenge would go up called “Doing my Girlfriends Makeup!”. Shelby and Burt would create over 60 challenges until their last challenge together on May 16, 2016.

Minecraft roleplay[]

Burt would begin uploading Minecraft roleplay content on September 20, 2015 with his first series being Minecraft Highschool. The series would go for 10 seasons and over 200 episodes. Roleplays would be a large part of his personal channel until 2020 when he would quit Minecraft altogether. Other well known roleplays of his would include Camp Nugget, Minecraft Private and Minecraft Family.

A new beginning[]

Burt's time in Alabama would come to an end on June 8, 2016 when he would move to Los Angeles, California to then shortly move to Dallas, Texas 57 days later. Friends AviatorGaming, BigMacNation, JoblessGarrett and LeahAshe would accompany him. The bunch would be joining creators Meganplays, UnspeakableGaming, RyguyRocky, Jaybull and Moosecraft to create a new trio of channels ProperIdiots, ProperDummies and ProperLife.

Burt would also at this time pick up being back on BAHMLounge. Now Burt, AviatorGaming and BigMacNation. Series would include 100$ chef! and Crazy Roommate.

Break up[]

On October 27, 2016 Burt uploaded a video titled “Pumpkin Carving Challenge W/Girlfriend” where he introduced his new girlfriend Cassi. Burt left a comment stating “Shelby and myself broke up a while back. Shes moved on and so have I. She's happy and I'm happy. I hope you can be happy for the both of us :)”. Later on November 4, 2016 Burt uploaded a detailed video explaining that Shelby and him had broken up back in June over the move away from Alabama. Burt’s relationship with Cassi would be short and Burt would stay single for quite some time after.

Proper Production[]

On June 13, 2016 Burt would begin a collaboration channel called Proper Idiots with Youtuber’s Aviatorgaming, UnspeakableGaming, MeganPlays, Ryguyrocky, Moosecraft, Jaybull, JoblessGarrett and LeahAshe. Content such as Grand Theft Auto V, Counter Strike: Global Offence, Garry's Mod and many random games would be uploaded. On November 6, 2016 the group of creators would create another channel called ProperDummies. This channel would play games such as Minecraft and Roblox. The next year on September 28, 2017 a third channel would be created called ProperLife. This channel would be where the creators uploaded real life content. The channel would start with it's first upload being “Getting A Tattoo On His Butt?! (Painful)” where Burt would receive a tattoo of a can of Dr.Pepper on his left buttcheek. Proper Production became the name of the group.

With personal work for members becoming more time consuming ProperIdiots would come to an end with their last video being posted on June 3, 2018. Proper Dummies would continue the same until on May 16, 2018 when Burt would gain control of the channel with the upload “The Proper Dummies Have Been Killed?!” where he would introduce the newest members Darzeth, DigitizedPixels, Ashlie9596, Mousie116 and MrRedMinecraft. The group would post until May 24, 2019 where the channel would come to an end. ProperLife would stop posting on June 27, 2020. The group would remain friends and continue their personal work from Dallas, Texas.

End of an era[]

On July 3, 2018 Burt would upload a video titled “Why I’m Quitting Minecraft (Not Clickbait)” where explained he was done uploading Minecraft Roleplay content to his channel. With over 450 Roleplay videos created he admitted he was burned out from the creative process. On August 19, 2018 Burt would upload his last roleplay until March 21, 2020. During this time the channel would suffer a drop in content. Burt would begin pushing content over on ProperDummies while he would upload IRL content on his personal channel.

With the decline in views on ProperDummies Burt stopped posting content to the channel on May 24, 2019. With his personal channel and ProperDummies suffering financially Burt quit his life as a full time Youtuber to work for the Audio Visual company PSAV(Now Encore) on July 29, 2019. Burt quit in early February 2020 due to a secret job opportunity. The Job remains a mystery.


On October 25, 2019 Burt would upload a video titled “Aiden Eli Burt” where he would introduce his girlfriend Courtney and announced they would be expecting a child. Aiden Eli Burt would be born on March 24, 2020.

On February 29, 2020 Burt uploaded “My New Roleplay!!!” where he would announce he would be returning to Minecraft Roleplaying with his series Minecraft Meltdown. Shortly after this announcement Burt would fall sick with the flu and be prescribed Tamiflu…This nearly cost him his life after severe side effects from the medication. He would go into details in his video “Having a Mental Breakdown…” With his Mystery job becoming more time consuming plus fatherhood; Minecraft Meltdown would only last a season with its last episode airing June 13, 2020. This would be the last ever roleplay Burt would do on his personal channel.

Shoot for the stars[]

On March 31, 2021 Burt would upload a video titled "DearMoon Application Video - Joshua Storm Burt". In 2023 SpaceX is expected to launch the World’s first private Lunar mission called DearMoon. The project is being funded by Japanese billionaire Yusaka Maezawa. The mission would involve a fly-by of the moon with Maezawa and eight other civilian passengers on a week-long journey.

Burt never made it to Step 4 of 5 in the project. There is still no information on who won the 8 seats. It is also unsure if Starship will be ready before 2023. This application of Burt's would be the last video uploaded by him currently to his channel.


On December 31, 2012 Burt introduced his community to his girlfriend Shelby in a video titled "New Things to Come!!!" Shelby would make her first appearance in "New Years Kissing Special!" Which was uploaded on January 4, 2014. Their last video together would be "Packing Time!!!" Which was uploaded May 24, 2016. On October 27, 2016 Burt uploaded a video titled “Pumpkin Carving Challenge W/Girlfriend” where he introduced his new girlfriend Cassi. Burt left a comment on the video stating “Shelby and myself broke up a while back. She's moved on and so have I. She's happy and I'm happy. I hope you can be happy for the both of us :)”. Later on November 4, 2016 Burt uploaded a detailed video titled "Why I Broke Up With My Girlfriend" explaining that Shelby and him had broken up back in June over the move away from Alabama.

Cassi would only appear in the one challenge. The relationship would be short lived and Burt would stay single until November 24, 2018. Then he would meet Courtney over the dating app Bumble.

Courtney would make her first appearance on October 25, 2019 in "Aiden Eli Burt" when Burt would explain the two were expecting a child in March. His name would be Aiden Eli Burt. Aiden would be born March 24, 2020 and make his first appearance on April 1, 2020 in the video "I'm a Daddy!!!". Her last video would be on June 17, 2020 with Burt's upload “Colorado Trip 2020”. The two would separate in June of 2021.


  • Burt has lived in Alabama, California, Wisconsin, and Texas as a content creator.
  • With 25 million views “Fat Zombie” on BAHMLounge would be Burt’s largest appearance in a video on the Youtube platform.