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Christian "Chris" Urdaneta[1] (born: May 26, 2003 (2003-05-26) [age 21]), better known online as TheMaskedChris (formerly known as CJDrawings), is a Venezuelan artist, animator, and YouTuber who creates animatics and animations that are mainly focused on his original characters.

He is mostly known for "Wii Deleted You: The Animatic" and the upcoming series known as "On Command" along with also being known for the Friday Night Funkin' mods "Vs. eteled" and "Starlight Mayhem".

Personal Life[]

TheMaskedChris was born in Venezuela, later moving to the United States in 2015. Not much else is known about his personal life.


Chris first joined YouTube on November 17, 2015 and uploaded his first video on June 3, 2017. The first videos that he has uploaded consists of speed paints, meme videos and animations. He would later make videos about Friday Night Funkin' in 2021.

In March 2021, Chris along with many others made a Friday Night Funkin' mod called "Starlight Mayhem" which features characters from On Command as the opponents of the mod. The mod would later receive an update called "Starlight Mayhem: Rebooted" which adds new features such as a new bonus week, 4 new songs, and new vocals for CJ and Ruby.

In August 2021, Chris made another Friday Night Funkin' mod called "Vs. eteled" which is based on his Wii Deleted You series. The mod features 2 opponents and 5 new songs. In 2022, another mod made by Chris was released called "Your Painfully Average Self-Insert Mod" which features Chris himself as the main opponent.


Wii Deleted You: The Animatic[]

Wii Deleted You: The Animatic is an animatic series about a Nintendo Wii that gets cursed by an ex-Nintendo employee. The story was originally made by IceyPie, but Chris adapted it into an animatic format in 2018. When he finished the series, a compilation video of the series quickly got 350K+ views because of a video Jessii Vee made talking about the aforementioned series. Although the story of the series was finished, it had one major plot hole, which was one of its villains.

Later in 2020, Chris finished the saga with "Wii Deleted You: Corrupted Data Revived" which is a spin-off that covers the backstory of one of the villains of Wii Deleted You, after the series with the same name got cancelled by IceyPie.

Although the creator of Wii Deleted You, IceyPie, has openly denounced the series plenty of times for poor writing, Chris has been trying to make the story better with the visuals, modifying the story, and covering plot holes.

On Command (Title Pending)[]

On Command is a cancelled series made by Chris featuring his characters going on adventures together. Not much details are known about the plot yet, but its gonna revolve around Chris's characters outside of Wii Deleted You which are CJ, Ruby, Vade, Mark, Faith, Olley, and other characters which have already been seen multiple times on his channel. Especially in the Christmas special "Christmas with On Command" which premiered in late 2019. Due to Chris's departure from the internet this series is most likely cancelled.



Chris made a video explaining the OST for the Vs. eteled mod was being removed due to copyright strikes given by AnthemOverload, the mod’s old composer and Anthem had supposedly blackmailed Chris into removing the mod's songs. Anthem has released a video in response to Chris's video, criticizing him for spreading lies about him and framing him for blackmail. According to Anthem's video, he stated that Chris was lying about him not changing, slandering him, and framing him for blackmail. Chris responded to Anthem's video in the comment section criticizing him on how he responded to his video; for example, between the timestamps on Anthem's video between minutes 1:14 - 3:33, Chris argued against Anthem for denying his past actions and making up excuses for it. Anthem replied to Chris's comments disregarding his accusations and accusing him of "trying to twist both Chris's own words and Anthem's words" and saying, "Chris is literally brainwashing his child fanbase with biased twisted manipulative nagging". A screenshot of a Discord DM from Anthem was also shared on Twitter,[2] accusing Chris for "supporting a pedophile, obsess over a 16-year old," and drawing NSFW artwork of Ochaco Uraraka, a fictional 15-16 years old female character who is a minor. He also stated that the songs he made are his intellectual property and wants to be "WIPED off of Vs. eteleD". It is unknown if the situation has been resolved as both sides have yet to reach a consensus.[3]


Chris was revealed to have kicked Moikey, one of the composers for the mod, off the team without telling them why or giving them any compensation for their work . It was eventually revealed to be because of a situation with Moikey that happened and was resolved about a year and a half ago.[4] A message board was also shown between Moikey and Chris. This board revealed that Chris was told this information by TaeYai and decided to kick Moikey in order to protect his image and avoid getting into controversy himself. He then stated that the song that Moikey made would be replaced, much to Moikey’s dismay. [5]

Rue/KanamoriKamper and TMCHC[]

Shortly after the controversy with Moikey, a Twitter user named Rue, now known as KanamoriKamper, created a group chat known as TheMaskedChris Haterade Chuggers (TMCHC for short), which was dedicated to making a video exposing Chris for various things he had done, including the two controversies listed above. After the video was posted, Chris, with the help of BluskysTV and two of the group chat’s members, made a document addressing these actions. However, before the doc was released, Chris and Blu had indirectly driven Rue to have a mental breakdown and attempt suicide. Rue would ultimately back out of her attempt and return to the internet to apologize to all her friends in the group chat for everything that happened, before being admitted into a psych ward for a while. Neither Chris nor Blu would apologize to Rue for driving her to attempt suicide until about 4 months later, where Chris would apologize to one of Rue’s friends in a private Discord chat. Rue called this move “backhanded” due to Chris not apologizing to her directly and waiting 4 months to take any kind of responsibility. [6]

The situation would go quiet until May 2023 (about 10 months later) when another Twitter user, TMCHC member, and good friend of Rue’s, gamechanger078, made a tweet comparing Chris to other controversial online personalities, Dream and Vivziepop, which would become popular and expose Chris’ previous actions to a larger audience. Because of this, Chris would make another doc attempting to address the situation with Rue. A month later, Rue, gamechanger078, and a few others would release a document compiling and showing everything that Chris has done, including details of the controversies with Anthem and Moikey, as well as debunking false claims made about them by both Chris and Blu. Afterwards, Chris would silently go on a hiatus from the internet after being hospitalized from a failed suicide attempt, although the legitimacy of this has been questioned.[7]

On August 7, 2023, it was revealed by a former developer on Chris’ team that, not only was his upcoming Friday Night Funkin’ mod, vs. eteled Reincarnate, cancelled, but that Chris was leaving the internet entirely and focusing on IRL things without giving any information, or any acknowledgment of or apology for his actions.[8]

On September 19, 2023, Chris uploaded a Google Doc, basically explaining that he was leaving the internet as a whole (basically the same situation of August 7, but in Chris' own words). To sum it up into words, he said he was leaving the internet due to his mental health issues.[9]



  • According to one of the FNF mods that he has made, his favorite Friday Night Funkin' song is "Genocide" from the Vs. Tabi mod.
  • He used to be an animator for the Vs. Bob & Bosip mod by AmorAltra, but he has since disassociated with the mod due to controversy around Amor.
  • On December 2, 2024 he has been officially diagnosed with Autism.[10]

