Two Angry Gamers TV, often abbreviated as TAG, is an English YouTube gaming channel, consisting of two English gamers: Tom "TOMMYRAGES" and Adam "Bongeh". As their channel name suggests, they get extremely angry when the games they play, like the Battlefield series, give them the unfair treatment - at which point they slam on their keyboards/desks and scream.[1]
Tom is the gamer with the frizzy brown/orange hair. He tends to plan out trolls behind Bong's back before setting them into action.
Adam "Bongeh"[]
Adam is the "bearded badman" of the pair. He specializes in taking challenges at the drop of a hat. For example, he once shot Tom's player character in the head, after the latter taunted him about "never headshot[-ing] anyone in [his] life". Bong loves using shotguns.
Video games[]
- Battlefield 3/4/Hardline
- Garry's Mod
- Left 4 Dead 2
- DayZ
- Final Fantasy IX (Bongeh)
- Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (Bongeh)
- Analogue: A Hate Story
- "Oh, god-ah."
- "Oh... ah-my... ah-god..."
- "OH, my GOD!"
- [when closing a door before his teammates can get in] "It's too late for you!"[2]
- "NO - "
- "My hands are shakin'! My hands are shakin'!"
- "Ohno—!"
- "Tom, get in here!"
- "Fuck off!"
- [when saying "Careful..."] "Care-feel..."
- [an inhaling-ish "Hng!" noise whenever they jump]
- "Oh, for fuck's sake!"
in Left 4 Dead 2[]
Campaign: Back To School[]
- Tommy: [when a Smoker drags him away] "Oh no, Smoker's got me, guys! Help me! I'm being hung!"
- Bongeh: [a Jockey is riding him] "There's a Jockey! Help me! CHRISTIIIIIIIIIINE!"
- Tommy: [finding a katana; in an amusing (and yet slightly offensive) remark] "There's a katana here, guys, if anyone wants to go a bit Japanese up in here."
- Tommy: [after the group survives an encounter with a Tank] "It looks like we don't remember how to play Left 4 Dead, guys."
- Tommy: [after Louis and Zoey tell the other Survivors to watch their backs as they heal] "Wash my back! [beat] It's dirty!"
- Bongeh: [laughing a "maniacal" laugh] "Hahahahahaha! WAR!"
- Tommy: [Bong just shot a zombie - and it killed Tom, too!] "No, BONG! I knew you were gonna f**king do that!" ... "I just watched you and I thought, 'He's not gonna shoot me, is he? He's not going to - ' And then he just - Bang!"
- Tommy: [a truck - yes, a truck! - runs him over, killing him] "Oh, shit! What the f**k?! What the f**k was that?!" ... "Well, no one expects a truck!"
- Bongeh: [about katanas]
- "You know bitches love katanas!" [(Do they...?)]
- "Lookin' for a chance to katana your face off~!"
- Bongeh: [role-playing as a military officer] "Johnson! I want those reports on my desk by 9 o'clock in the morning!"
- Tommy: [playing along] "I can't. There's an apocalypse."
- Tommy: "Oh, helicopter! That helicopter's coming." [Jump cut] "Oh no, he's just - "
[It blows up.]
- Tommy: "Oh, shit!"
- jackfrags: "Oh my god..."
- Bongeh: [pummeled by a Tank] "Ah-AAH! WHY?!"
- Tommy: "Well, I don't think he needs a reason."
- Bongeh: [throwing a pipe bomb] "Pipe bomb, Tom! Run AWAY, run away!"
- Tommy: [when the four are riding the back of a truck]
- "Oh f**k, this is weird."
- "I don't think the [Source or Havok physics] engine is designed for this~! We're sliding around like a roller disco~!"
- "Care-fiel you don't get in front of my chainsaw~!"
- Tommy: [reading a chalkboard] "'Plan your route.' F**k off."
- jackfrags: [after Tom finishes] "I feel so much smarter."
Campaign: Fall in Death[]
- Tommy: [whenever the horde suddenly shows up]
- "Ah, shit! Oh, christ shin!"
- "Oh shit! ffffF**KIN' 'ELL!"
- "Oh my god!"
- Tommy: [hearing a Witch] "Oh, shit, another Witch?"
- Tommy: [confronting the Witch] "Okay, bitch..." [empties his shotgun into the Witch, provoking then killing it] "F**k-in' 'ell."
- Tommy: "Ow! Oh what the - ?! What the instant-zombie?!"
[Jump cut]
- jackfrags: "Oh wha - They jus' came out of a f**king cupboard!"
[Everybody else busts up laughing]
- Bongeh: "Zombie cupboard!"
- Bongeh: "Everything's fine, everything's fine, everyth - ZOMBIES."
- Tommy: [as the Horde attacks them before they can close the safe room door] "OH GOOOOOOOD!!!"
- jackfrags: "Oh my god! Out of nowhere!"
Campaign: Blackout Basement[]
- [when Tom shoots his teammates]
- Bongeh: "Ow, f**kin' 'ell, Tom!"
- Tommy: "I can't help myself!"
- Tommy: [after shooting Jack] "Oh, whoops, sorry."
- Bongeh: "Ow, f**kin' 'ell, Tom!"
- Tommy: [a Jockey is riding him away from the others] "Oh no, please! Guys, please! Please~! Please...!"
- Tommy: [killing Infected with an ax] "Sorry, I'm 'axing' them a question, and the answer is..." [makes a dying noise]
- jackfrags: "I swear I can hear a Tank..."
- Tommy: [sees the Tank] "Oh, god! OH GOD OH GOD There is a Tank! There is a Tank! Pleeeaase!"
- jackfrags: "I knew it! I f**kin' knew it!"
- Bongeh: [the Tank is thrashing him] "He's f**kin' ruined me, AAH-AAH-OOOOWWWW~!"
- Bongeh: [a female Boomer, or "Boomette" shows up right in front of them] "NO, LADY BOOMER DON'T SHOOT HER!"
- [Too late.]
Campaign: Plan B[]
- Tommy: "Oh, moose!"
Survival Map: Tanks' Playground[]
- Tommy: [a Tank is climbing up to an oblivious Bong's position] "Bong! Bong! BONG! BONG! BONG!"
- Bongeh: [the Tank sends him flying] "Oh, f**k!"
In Battlefield 4[]
BattleLOLs [Battlefield] 4 Beta Edition by jackfrags[]
- Video link here:
- Bongeh: "The Airburst does nothing!"[1]
- Jack: "Why did you throw that like a grenade?!"
- Bongeh: "I don't know! It's how it works in this game!"
- Jack: "Can you jus' stop it? I—I thought you were gonna throw a 'nade at me…!"
... "It's - no - I might as well use my c***, to slap it in peoples' face[s]."[1]
Battlefield 4 Beta Bastards[]
- Tommy: [waiting for the elevator doors to open; turns around and realizes - ] "...Oh shit, it's behind us."
- Bongeh: [busts up laughing]
- Tommy: "That'd be embaressing if..."
- Bongeh: "We'd-a been so f**king dead!"
Battlefield 4 Beta Bucaneers[]
- Video link here.
- Bongeh: "...Wha - ?! [unintelligible] my controls' been removed! ... Oh, they've updated the game to de-update it. Well, de-update my controls."
- Tommy: "Oh, god-ah."
- jackfrags: [chuckling] "They just did it specifically to just f**k you up, Adam."
- Bong: "Guys, what's Jump? What's Jump in the crazy world of 'normal'?"
- Bong: "No, it's the original Quake—OH GOD, THAT'S A TANK!"
Battlefield 4: Metrowned[]
- Tom: [in a singing-ish voice] "Back on the Metro... Back on the Metro..."
- Bong: "What the f**k - ? Why'm I being hurt?!"
- Tom: "F**K THIS F**KING MAP!"
- Bong: "This is the best map!"
- Tom: "Oh, there was a f**king enemy in that lift? What's he doing there?!"
Battlefield 4: CTE Frollicks[]
- Bong: "…Um?! How the F**K did he hit that wall from over there?! That's BULLshit!"
- Bong: Is it eating me?!
- Bongeh uses a configuration for playing first-person shooter video games. Dubbed the BongFig by fans, this is based on the original Quake game.[3][4]
- Right Mouse Button: Jump
- Control key: Aim Down Sights
- Spacebar: Crouch
- Invert Mouse