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Featured Pages

The featured page is for highlighting specific pages for various different reasons. These channels or videos will appear on the front page for a certain amount of time, before being replaced by a new channel or video.

Hall of Fame Members

The Hall of Fame is a community vote held to honor large YouTubers, meaning they have at least 1 million subscribers and uploaded at least one video. A Hall of Fame member may also have been already featured as a Featured Channel.

Being in the Hall of Fame doesn't necessarily mean the YouTuber is one of best channels of all time or that the Wikitubia staff/community supports their actions, it just means they were voted as the best channel at the time.

Phase 2

The Hall of Fame members of Phase 2 since July 1, 2023:

  1. MrBeast
  2. Markiplier
  3. DanTDM
  4. PewDiePie
  5. Technoblade
  6. jacksepticeye
  7. Penguinz0
  8. The Game Theorists
  9. Jacksfilms
  10. SMG4
  11. GLITCH
  12. Flamingo
  13. CaseOh

Phase 1

Below are the Hall of Fame members of Phase 1 from March 10, 2015 to August 1, 2023:

  1. Vsauce
  2. PewDiePie
  3. Markiplier
  4. ERB
  5. Sky Does Everything
  6. Smosh
  7. CaptainSparklez
  8. REACT
  9. jacksepticeye
  10. VanossGaming
  11. nigahiga
  12. DanTDM
  13. GradeAUnderA
  14. PopularMMOs
  15. The Game Theorists
  16. HowToBasic
  17. TheOdd1sOut
  18. jacksfilms
  19. Cinemassacre
  20. Philip DeFranco
  21. shane
  22. MrBeast
  23. LeafyIsHere
  24. Jaiden Animations
  25. Pyrocynical
  26. GameGrumps
  27. Grandayy
  28. RTGame
  29. JonTronShow
  30. TeamFourStar
  31. h3h3Productions
  32. Dolan Dark
  33. ExplodingTNT
  34. JackSucksAtLife
  35. Mark Rober
  36. CallMeCarson
  37. iDubbbzTV
  38. Jesus Christ
  39. Technoblade
  40. TVFilthyFrank
  41. Wilbur Soot
  42. Grian
  43. Daily Dose Of Internet
  44. penguinz0
  45. Dream
  46. Unus Annus
  47. TommyInnit
  48. videogamedunkey
  49. KSI
  50. SAD-ist
  51. Ranboo
  52. LazarBeam
  53. Thinknoodles
  54. CoryxKenshin
  55. jacknjellify
  56. Beluga
  57. Karl
  58. TapL
  59. Flamingo
  60. Parrot
  61. Scott The Woz

Featured Channels

Featured channels are selected through a raffle on Wikitubia's Discord server, where users who boost the level of the server are allowed in the raffle that month. Whoever gets randomly selected, will be able to choose the channel for that month to be featured.

Phase 2

List of Featured Channel of Phase 2 since July 1, 2023:

  1. melodysheep
  2. Sapphicolor
  3. TheVlogger110
  4. Studio 31 Media Archive
  5. fireb0rn
  6. ShadesOfCallum
  7. StickMations
  8. EvanTubeHD
  9. Solid jj
  10. raxdflipnote
  11. Nebulamancers (Pyohato) Archive

Phase 1

List of Featured Channels of Phase 1 from June 20, 2013 to July 1, 2023:

  1. Smosh
  2. CaptainSparklez
  3. Tobuscus
  4. TotallySketch
  5. Jenna Marbles
  6. RyansAverageLife
  7. teddiefilms
  8. ADoseOfBuckley
  9. Chad Wild Clay
  10. Dylan Zhang
  11. stacyplays
  12. NateTalksToYou
  13. Whatever Entertainment
  14. MrWeenieProductions
  15. Ami Yamato
  16. Omegle Pete
  17. HeyAmyJane
  18. Social Sketch
  19. Larry Bundy Jr
  20. Mat4yo
  21. CBUDD
  22. Yamio
  23. itsjuliahardy
  24. Kareeti
  26. BadBoyBlu
  27. Ejen Roza
  28. Liam Taylor
  29. Etika
  30. Nursey_
  31. Not_Liink
  32. FraserIRL
  33. Brey
  34. Julie of the Arts
  35. Jordan
  36. Stonk
  37. EdwardBloxy
  38. I am Vinner
  39. ItzWolfyTDM
  40. ToonSmart
  41. SkulBLiTZ
  42. Tylerota2

To suggest a future featured channel click here.

Featured Videos

Featured Videos are to show off some of the best videos uploaded to YouTube. Below is the list of Featured Videos from June 21, 2008 to August 21, 2017.

Evolution_of_Dance_-_By_Judson_Laipply 9000!!_NINE_THOUSAAAAANDD! Zombie_Kid_Likes_Turtles Dramatic_Chipmunk
Bubb_Rubb_lil_sis_whoop_whoop_whoopwhoop Charlie_bit_my_finger_-_again_! Canon_Rock Kitten_vs_TWO_scary_things_(котенок_против_ДВУХ_неведомых_хреней)
The_Number_47_(The_Number_23_Spoof) Rasputin_vs_Stalin._Epic_Rap_Battles_of_History_Season_2_finale. YouTubers_React_to_Viral_Videos_Ep._1_(Gangnam_Style,_Evolution_of_Dance,_Catch_the_Ice_Dude) Me_at_the_zoo
The_GAG_Quartet_-_le_Internet_Medley_(OVER_40_MEMES_IN_ONE_SONG) Shoes_the_Full_Version How_to_be_Ninja CCU_Garbage_Men
Awesome_Series_-_PokeAwesome_-_Just_a_Pokemon_Battle Miley_Cyrus_-_"We_Can't_Stop"_PARODY_Bart_Baker A_Chat_with_YouTube The_Cartoon_Medley_(FreddeGredde)
Taylor_Swift_+_Breaking_Bad_Parody_-_'We_Are_Never_Ever_Gonna_Cook_Together' You're_Insane!!!! DJ_Earworm_-_SummerMash_'13 One_Direction_-_Best_Song_Ever_PARODY
Epic_Poop_Prank Selling_X_in_the_Hood_-_Prank! Lady_Gaga_-_"Applause"_PARODY WestBoro_Baptist_Church_Gets_TROLLED!
Best_of_Stupid_Game_Show_Answers_(SGSA) Star_Wars_(John_Williams_Is_The_Man)_a_cappella_tribute_medley_song_-_Corey_Vidal_and_Moosebutter Miley_Cyrus_-_"Wrecking_Ball"_PARODY_Bart_Baker Hitler_vs_Vader_3._Epic_Rap_Battles_of_History_Season_3.
Breaking_Bad_Jr. Blackbeard_vs_Al_Capone._Epic_Rap_Battle_of_History_Season_3. 10_bets_you_will_always_win_(1) Miley_Cyrus_vs_Joan_of_Arc._Epic_Rap_Battles_of_History_Season_3.
"Joking_Bad"_-_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon_(Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon) 10_Crazy_Things_More_Likely_Than_Winning_The_Lottery Breaking_Bad_MetroGnome_COVER_+_REMIX Michael_Jordan_vs_Muhammad_Ali._Epic_Rap_Battles_of_History_Season_3.
The_Ten_Worst_Songs_of_2012 YouTube_Rewind_What_Does_2013_Say? The_Ten_Worst_Songs_of_2013 RILEY_REWIND_Act_1
SONGS_IN_REAL_LIFE_4!! GIFs,_now_with_sound! Joseph_Gordon-Levitt_Recreates_David_After_Dentist Katy_Perry_-_Dark_Horse_Ten_Second_Songs_20_Style_Cover
Rick_Grimes_vs_Walter_White._Epic_Rap_Battles_of_History_Season_3. TEENS_REACT_TO_NINTENDO_(NES) "MORE_WALKING_(AND_TALKING)_DEAD_PART_1"_-_A_Bad_Lip_Reading_of_The_Walking_Dead_Season_4 YouTube_Rewind_Turn_Down_for_2014
5_Crazy_Ways_Social_Media_Is_Changing_Your_Brain_Right_Now Jimmy_Fallon_Went_to_Bayside_High_with_"Saved_By_The_Bell"_Cast 3_Time_Travel_Paradoxes!! Men_Read_Playboy_For_The_First_Time
What_Colour_Is_This_Dress?_(SOLVED_with_SCIENCE) Wrestling_Isn't_Wrestling When_Will_We_Run_Out_Of_Names? Dance_Chaplin_Dance!_Chaplin_Learns_Some_New_Moves!
Why_We_Haven't_Cured_Cancer JOKER_&_HARLEY_QUINN_vs_DEADPOOL_&_DOMINO_-_Super_Power_Beat_Down_(Episode_16) "Chocolate_Rain"_Original_Song_by_Tay_Zonday-0 WHO'S_THAT_YOUTUBER_W_TYLER_OAKLEY_&_MAMRIE_HART_Grace_Helbig
YouTube_Challenge_-_I_Told_My_Kids_I_Ate_All_Their_Halloween_Candy_2015 "FAMOUS_YOUTUBER"_-_MUSIC_VIDEO YouTube_Rewind_Now_Watch_Me_2015_YouTubeRewind Rebel_Wilson_Plays_Chubby_Bunny_with_Jimmy_Fallon
4_Logical_Paradoxes!! Anything_VINE_Can_Do,_YOUTUBE_Does_Better_(ft._Thomas_Sanders) THE_YOUTUBERS_COMPLAINING_ABOUT_DRAMA_RANT Exploding_Spray_Paint_at_2500fps_-_The_Slow_Mo_Guys
Second_Life_Disability_Benefits_(Trolling)-0 We're_all_just_assholes_talking_to_a_camera COMPLIMENT_TRACK_2017_(YIAY_351)