This is a complete transcript of the February 2024 bureaucrat vote debate that occurred on January 25, 2024. It was between administrators Axayla and Tabbloide, with the moderator being bureaucrat Enayy. Some parts have been edited for grammar and for reader comprehension.
- The debate is starting now! I must apologize for the delay, I set my timer inaccurately. Now I will explain the rules. The time span for the debate will last for an hour, and there will be 5 questions for each candidate, and they will be given 5 minutes to answer each. If the candidate does not use all of their time for one question, they will have that extra time for the next question. After the questions, there will be an open discussion and the candidates will answer questions from users watching the debate, with the remaining time in the debate. Candidates may not speak unless approved by the moderator. Candidates may also not speak in other channels during the debate. First, I will have our candidates introduce ourselves. You each have 5 minutes. You will proceed first, Tabbloide.
- Hi, I am Tabbloide, a content and discussions administrator. I have been here since 2022, and while I don't have much of a content presence compared to my competitor, I believe I would be the better pick for Head of Content. I hope that by the end of this debate, you all will feel the same.
- Thank you. Axayla, you may introduce yourself now.
- Hello, I am Axayla, a content administrator on Wikitubia since March 2022.
- Thank you. First, Tabbloide, why do you think you should be Head of Content? You have 9 minutes to answer this question.
- I should become the Head of Content since I am more communicative than Axayla. I am more reliable on that front, which is the most important factor when picking anyone for a leadership role. While I may have not been here for as long, or have edited as much as her, I am more accessible and easy to notify about issues despite time zone differences.
- Thank you for your answer, Tabbloide. Axayla, why do you think you should be Head of Content? You have 6 minutes to answer this question.
- While it's true what she said, I'd say mainly because of my experience here. I've been here for almost three years now (since May 2021), so I am familiar with how things work around here. I am also a bureaucrat on several wikis, so I have some bureaucrat experience.
- Thank you for your answer, Axayla. Tabbloide, what do you think makes you more qualified than your opponent? You have 10 minutes to answer this question.
- Well, for starters, I am also a bureaucrat and admin on a lot of other wikis, plus there is more of a history of me being more easily reachable than Axayla. I've been here for significantly less time, but have done almost everything she's done and more in that time. I've been a candidate (and made it to the final round) in one of these elections once before, so that also says something about how qualified I am, at least compared to Axayla.
- Thank you, Axayla, what makes you think you are more qualified than your opponent? You have 10 minutes to answer this question.
- I'm not gonna deny her once again, but firstly, when it comes to editing, I edit more than she does. Secondly, I have much more edit counts over her and am currently #6 on the leaderboard.
- Thank you. Tabbloide, do you have any rebuttals for what your opponent has said about you? You have 13 minutes to answer this question.
- Edit count is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and while yes, she is indeed #6 in total on the leaderboard, I've only been here for a little under a year. Even if I had the work ethic of an entire office building, status like that takes time; time that you can't expect me to dedicate at the level I am currently in.
- Axayla, do you have a response to what your opponent has said? You have 13 minutes to answer this question.
- I gotta admit I'm not quite as communicative and reachable than her, but that is mostly I'm busy either with editing or life in general, so I'd like to say sorry for that.
- Appreciated, Axayla. Now, for Tabbloide, if you were Head of Content, what would you do for the wiki? You have 17 minutes to answer this question.
- If I was to become Head of Content, I'd try to make sure that we focus on dealing with our infamous sourcing problem as well as other issues related to that matter by enforcing stricter rules and encouraging moderators to help pick up the slack and help out with the issue. It's not just about how much we edit, but the quality of those edits that make the most difference, and I hope that if I do win, we'll work on that issue as a team and as effectively as possible.
- Thanks. Now, Axayla, what would you do as Head of Content? You have 6 minutes to answer this question.
- As of now, my plan is to enforce stricter rules, especially when it comes to sourcing information.
- Great. Tabbloide, what is one thing you would compliment about your opponent? You have 18 minutes to answer this question.
- I admire her work ethic. She gets things done and gets them done quick, which is a skill I admittedly wish I had put more time into developing rather than people skills.
- Axayla, what is one thing you would compliment about your opponent? You have 8 minutes to answer this question.
- She is overall a good and competent admin. I admire her professionalism, and the fact that she rose from a rollbacker to an admin in short period of time is just wow.
- Now we get to the part where the audience asks questions. Due to time constraints, each candidate will have 5 minutes to answer each question. First, from BlindCartographer: "How long do you think you would be able to remain as a bureaucrat and keep improving the wiki for the better? What do you think your longevity would be?" Tabbloide, you have 5 minutes to answer this question.
- I'd like to stay for as long as I possibly can. I've both asked and have been asked this question many times, so I'm confident in the fact that I will at least be staying here for at least 4 or 5 more years, though over time that plan too might change.
- Axayla, you have 5 minutes to answer the question.
- I can't promise you anything, but I'll stay here for as long as I can, only time will tell
- Next, from Everlance: "How [will you] manage the wiki if a raid occur[s]?" Tabbloide, you have 5 minutes to answer this question.
- As I believe all issues on that level should be dealt with--in a calm and orderly manner. I've learned a lot since the first raid threat I've been involved in squashing, and the best way to prevent panic and demotivate potential perpetrators is to make sure everyone is levelheaded and calm about it. If anything gets too serious, we must always remember that Fandom staff can be of assistance. We have a Wiki Representative for a reason, after all.
- Axayla, you have 5 minutes to answer the question.
- What she said, we gotta be calm and not panic about it, and I would try to prevent it by blocking each of them asap. And if things got out of hand, the Fandom staff can do the job, but until then, I'll try my best to block each one of them.
- Thank you. As we are over time, can I ask the two of you to give some quick final thoughts?
- I feel that regardless of who wins, the site will be in good hands. I wish my opponent good luck. That is all.
- I had fun doing this debate, and wishes her good luck. Also, I'd like to apologize for not writing like a whole essay while answering all these questions.
- Thank you, everyone, for attending the debate, and a very special thank you to the candidates who participated in the debate!