Wikitubia has many pages about YouTubers, but some YouTubers request for their pages to removed and made unable to be recreated, while some pages here were removed for violating Fandom's Terms of Use or for other reasons.
Here is a list of pages that have been barred from creation:
- ⋆ rumination
- 39daph
- a
- Aaron Ball
- Aaron Currey
- adamyt
- adru motherfucker
- Aeplexi
- AJayII
- ajmarkle
- Akinsoft
- Antigone_
- AphidBlade67
- 『 ariberries2.0 』
- AsherWasHere
- Auprrz
- Averagemcyt
- Awake
- Axus
- Ayo Gaming Roblox
- Azelfie
- BallSniff
- basedbartek
- Bashurman
- BeamngShorts
- BeauBagels
- BellaHuss
- bekzil
- BinniePee
- Bluey&PikwikPackFan103 Official
- BlueXSiren
- Bob Pony
- Bram van Z
- Brey
- BritbongReturns
- BubbleteaFrenzy
- Caleb Bolitho
- CallumOutHere
- Camy
- Captain Magma: SpongeBob and VP Fan
- CaptainSauce
- ChannelFrankieTV
- Chloe Breez
- Chubbs
- Clientz
- ClownXiao
- Coolstuff
- Corvo
- Cosmo
- Crafter799
- Craig Dillon
- cristofer
- Cuckler
- Custard
- CwM Gameplays
- CybeR
- Daintii
- Danel Engburg
- Daniel Kolbin
- Dark World
- Database Productions
- Daydreaming Birdie
- Dayum
- Def Noodles
- DiddyLox
- dom64c
- DomTheBomb
- DoubleSwee
- Drickzin
- Droyti
- DuckFreddy
- dumbskid
- Dylan Does Minecraft
- Edwin VA Productions AKA Ellie VA Productions
- ejsafc
- Eli Boy Productions
- EnderVlogs
- EssenceOfThought
- F1nch
- Fandroid Music / Griffinilla
- Fenne Dan
- Finiki
- FinXLogic
- Fke
- ForeverHD
- Frevv
- Funtime Redbon Koopa 098
- FuturisticHub
- Galaxy Steve
- Gamer Boyo
- Glider
- GlitchGame
- Gol-D-Air
- Gomotion
- goodpea2
- GoTube
- Haman
- HappyDays
- HardlyKJ
- HarryTheHealer
- hazel
- HTFFanatic1999
- hux39
- HyperCrystal
- ic0nicnoah
- Illymation
- im sandra
- inkspecco
- IrrationalMango
- ItionoBen
- ItsMatrix
- Izzzyzzz
- Jad60aj
- Jake Kirkman
- Jared the ColorTVGame15 Master
- JazeFX
- Jesse Concepcion
- Joey B
- Joey Nigro
- Johnimation
- John Swan
- Jurta
- Joseph Malumi N. Cruz
- JoshtheJosher
- JoyConBoyz
- Just a kid that rants
- JustAlfie
- Justjack1971
- JustMason
- k8k8k8!
- Kaia Black
- Kanro
- Karim Jovian
- Katz Productions
- Keely Arkle
- Kero The Wolf
- Kim Chance
- KiniTV
- kkclue
- Lawerence Connor
- Leafuchii
- LemmyTheKid
- Le Sharkoïste
- liber reign
- LispyLeaf
- Low Tier God
- Macash
- Maevings
- MagentaSnail
- MagikuMaggiVA
- Malice The Fame
- Martin General
- MaximilianMus
- MegaSean45
- Metricate
- Michae1
- Mine Power
- Miyyist
- Mori
- MrGrimez
- Nagu
- Nawnii
- NemesisBiohazard
- Nesstalgia
- NickSaysHenlo
- Niko Thulin
- NintendoGamingHD
- NKpower
- NoahsNoah
- Noah Knows
- Nolan
- noluvjude
- 🧠No Time Zombies💗
- nottwenty3
- ObliviousHD
- OfficalBalloony459
- One Tram Band
- Oni
- OutlookG
- Paige Christie
- Parax
- Phat Roblox
- Pieman
- pipster.
- PixarFan 8695
- Plagued Moth
- Plant Samix
- Prince kai
- Prison Mate Luke
- PTDoctor
- Pornhub
- QSV Gaming
- QueenQuix
- Qwizz
- RagingPixels
- RebootedPoppy
- Resprune
- Rogue, Internet Man
- Rohan and Rion
- Rowwuk
- Reuben EditZ
- Rye-Rye99
- ryls111
- Ryverse
- Sahvi
- Sam Henri-Gold
- Serayne
- Serial Designation D
- Sezzen
- SG Is Here
- Shachimu
- Shallon Lester
- Sheekiyomi
- SheepPrism
- sherryl
- ShotFrostPlays
- SingNO2
- Slayer Jim
- Snowolfpup04
- Snooze
- SpunkyBall
- Squidmcduck
- steak
- StevenMC
- SuperLincolnGaming
- Surveillance Camera Man
- Suzy Lu
- TannerFishies
- TanookiAlex
- TaskForce77
- Tay
- Tech
- Technicals
- Tesserize
- ThatTealShyGuy
- The Lil T Show
- The Tardis Zone Official YouTube Channel
- TheTekkitRealm
- thisNamie
- Thumin
- Toasty
- TobyNight
- TomatoBricked
- Tortie
- T piig
- Turtilz
- The Cute Mario Bros
- UncleRicky
- uwucutesingle
- VibiWuff
- Vorikx
- VuxVux
- Vynlazer
- Watery
- Weirdotic
- Whatsuptre
- whoisthisgit
- WintPotato
- WildCraft
- Worth YT
- Xalsier
- Xelcan
- young defiant
- ZeRoTeCh00
- ZhanXG
- zman1064
- 【FlowerKun】ベへう
- ꧁ঔৣ☬†한국†☬ঔৣ꧂ II 𝒜𝓃𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈 𝒜𝑀𝒱
- 太阳sun
In order for a YouTuber to be request a page to be deleted, you must ask one of our staff to remove it and you must also verify that you’re the actual YouTuber.