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On Wikitubia, there are certain rules admins have to abide by for blocking situations. This page consists of the rules they are supposed to follow.

The rule page details specific punishments for breaking rules, and this page details what the punishment terms mean, as well as how the blocking system works.



Notices come before warnings, as they are meant to notify the user about wrongdoings that they may be doing, however it would be very common that they might not know it is against the rules and is not significant enough for being warned yet. Only staff members are allowed to give users notices. If a user commits a notice-level offense that goes unnoticed for 180 days, they cannot receive a notice for it.
A user can only have one notice per rule that specifies a need for a notice. After that, they would be warned for their failure to abide by that rule.


Warnings are Wikitubia's infraction system. Users are given warnings for breaking rules, that the user was most likely aware of breaking or should be aware of breaking, with notices often being already given. Only staff members are allowed to give users warnings. Warnings expire after 60 days. If a user commits any warning-level offense that goes unnoticed for 180 days, they cannot be warned for it.

Instant blocks

An instant block is warranted when a user breaks a clear and serious rule, but it is not significant enough to be permanent. If a user commits an instant block or permanent ban-worthy offense that goes unnoticed for 180 days, they cannot be blocked for it.

Permanent bans

A permanent ban is warranted when a user breaks the most serious of rules, in which would prohibit them for ever being unbanned, however they still have the ability to appeal.


On Wikitubia, there are three levels of blocks:

  • Level 1 Blocks are for a week. These blocks are administered following 3 warnings.
  • Level 2 Blocks are for a month. These blocks are administered following 2 warnings.
  • Level 3 Blocks are permanent bans. These blocks are administered following 1 warning.

Level 1 Block

  • Committing 1 or more warning-level offenses with 3 valid warnings
  • Committing 1 instant block-level offense

Level 2 Block

  • Committing 1 or more warning-level offenses with 2 valid warnings and a previous Level 1 Block
  • Committing 1 instant block-level offense with a previous Level 1 Block
  • Committing 2 instant block-level offenses with 0 previous blocks

Level 3 Block

  • Committing 1 or more warning-level offenses with 1 valid warning and a previous Level 2 Block
  • Committing 3+ instant block-level offenses
  • Committing 2 instant block-level offenses with a previous Level 1 Block
  • Committing 1 instant block-level offense with a previous Level 2 Block

Block/Ban differences

Here are the differences between block types, if you're unaware:

  • If you are blocked, you can come back to Wikitubia after a certain amount of time.
  • If you are banned, you are not allowed to edit on Wikitubia anymore and your username will receive an infinite ban. If you have been blocked three times on Wikitubia, you will be banned. You will be able to appeal your ban.
  • If you are globally blocked, you have broken Fandom's Terms of Use. You will have to contact Fandom Staff through Special:Contact in order to appeal these as we cannot deal with them.

Ban Pardons

A block pardon is the act of removing individual blocks/bans or all blocks/bans from counting in a users block/ban record. The only users who can permit a ban pardon are bureaucrats. Most of the time, users are given a ban pardon if their block was deemed unfair or unnecessary. If a block/ban was removed entirely within a day of it initially being given, then it is automatically pardoned.

Block/ban appeals


If you are blocked/banned for more than 30 days and feel that you were wrongfully blocked or banned, you can fill out a ban/block appeal Google Form. Please read the rules for the form in the forms description. You can find an official list of ban pardons here.
