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I don't own a tv, I don’t even own a microwave


Will, better known online as Willz, (also known as WillzAnimationz and WillzLIVE) is an American gaming YouTuber known for his Minecraft speedrunning and commentary videos.. He is largely part of the "McYT" community where he edits for large youtubers such as Dream, runs events, and live streams with large YouTubers.


His content usually involves:

  • Creative video ideas involving Minecraft
  • Speedrunning documentaries and commentary
  • Meme format videos similar to McYum

Though his channel is sparse, he already has an extremely large audience and is working on dozens of projects soon which should kickstart his YouTube career soon.

=Early Career

Willz started YouTube in 2010 making minecraft videos by recording his Dad's Macbook Pro screen using his Samsung Galaxy Tablet. He would play Survival Games and other minigames, he ramped up about 10 subscriber at this time. By 2012 Willz had created a new channel titled "TheWilzer" which was also his old ign. Here he began to post Survival Games and other minigames screen recorded from his laptop, in around 2012 he decided he wanted a cool looking "Intro" for one of his videos, so he downloaded a free program and began creating intros. This brought Willz into the Intro and Motion Design scene, where he used advanced 3D Modeling Programs and advanced compositing software such as After Effects to create Intros, Willz would create free intros with themes similar to Minecraft and would give them out on his YouTube channel which now consisted of Intros and Minecraft lets plays, his now vague knowledge on video editing and graphic design helped this channel flourish. By 2015 Willz had 65 subscribers. He continued to create Intros and "Intro Templates" until he began to get bored of it, he abandoned this channel in 2016, which sat at 335 subscribers before he ditched it.

Willz created his current channel which he titled "WillzAnimationz" on August 19, 2016, He immediately posted his first video which he titled "Sewer Fail | Animated Storytime". This video was extremely similar to the style of youtubers like TheOdd1sOut or JaidenAnimations, and was made during the initial blow up of their channels. Willz created his second video a week later called "Living in a Hotel". These videos did great for Willz, and soon he had broken 100 subscribers. He had also officially joined the Youtube Animation Community. Willz continued to create videos like this, in 2018 he made his final video in this style, the video was titled "Is Fortnite Dying?" and was an analytical video about the topic of the game Fortnite and if it was dying in popularity. This video was animated very well and had the best quality of all his videos, it received the most views he had ever had in this era of his YouTube career, racking up 30,000 views.

Willz Channel

Willz deleted all his videos in 2019, and decided to work on his Audio Engineering career as he was going to college for that, he began making music similar to a blend of Rap and Pop under different aliases. On 01/17/2020 Willz joined the search for Pack.Png influenced by SalC1. In this group he met multiple people who were very interested in Minecraft, he met one person by the name of Admiral_Stapler whom convinced him to join the Minecraft Speedrunning Community. After joining and slowly becoming very active in the community he released his first video in over a year where he calculated the time difference between two world record runs in a fast paced and interesting way. Wills began to stream himself speedrunning and grew in popularity after being raided by larger members such as Illumina and Benex. Willz became a verifier for the Minecraft boards on 04/29/2020. Here, he befriended speedrunner and youtuber Dream, helping him verify runs and uncovering fake Minecraft Speedruns together. This friendship, along with his friendship with Zyphon and creating Minecraft events for large youtubers, inspired him to start content creating again and soon he began to actively post videos, most of which are now deleted. From there he began to work and befriend more youtubers and create more content, he also streams and has a very large following on Twitter.


Not much is known about Willz's youtube career, but his content is pretty bad. with the amount that he is growing, expect to see big things soon.
