―Jordie Jordan yelling at user giving him advice to appear offline in Call of Duty: WWII |
Jordie McCraty Jordan (born: April 21, 1986YouTube gamer, streamer and former Call Of Duty commentator. He can be considered a pioneer in gaming commentary and was initially a very popular YouTuber in the Call of Duty scene during the early days of YouTube, even hosting his own podcast with other popular YouTubers. Jordie has nowadays become a notorious trolling target online for his behavior and senseless sentiments on Twitch and YouTube.
), better known online as WingsOfRedemption or Richard Samuel Jordan, is an AmericanEarly life[]
Jordie Jordan was born on April 21, 1986 in Conway, South Carolina. He was born from the result of an alleged incestuous relationship to underage parents, so he was instead raised by his grandparents. His father's identity is unknown, as he left the Jordan family when Jordie was two years old. As a child, Jordie was physically active and his weight was average until a foreign exchange student would attend his school and best him in numerous athletic competitions. Jordie theorized that if he increased his caloric intake, he would gain more energy, grow faster, and become stronger. As such, he would overeat, but this would only make him overweight.
He would suffer a head injury where his skull would be cracked open from being struck by a baseball bat, but he would make a full recovery. It has been theorized that this injury has negatively impacted his cognitive abilities, but this has never been conclusively proven. He suffered from bow-leggedness in his childhood and was frequently bullied by his peers in school; this would eventually culminate into his development of bipolar disorder, social anxiety disorder, and - in his adulthood - depression (It should also be noted that Jordie is a high school dropout, having thrice failed the ninth grade. He claims to have his GED, but it is unknown whether this statement is true). Eventually as a teenager, he and his brother Kenneth would move back to live with his mother via Section 8 housing.
Jordie would take up multiple jobs as a teenager, such as working at IGA, Domino's, The Movie Gallery, etc. until he got a job working at a company called Metglas, Inc. where he worked as a crane operator. In 2007, a financial crisis hit the United States, during which Metglas laid off many of their employees, including Jordie, though he was able to qualify for unemployment benefits. His then friend, Z7TaylorZ7, introduced him to YouTube. He then started to rethink his career, eventually settling on creating a YouTube account under the name "WingsofRedemption" the same year after watching sniper montages in the blockbuster video game franchise Call of Duty.[1] Thus would begin his career as a YouTuber/streamer.
YouTube/Twitch career[]
Jordie uploaded his first video on October 1st, 2009, which was a Call of Duty commentary, a relatively new thing at the time. After being shouted out by a popular Call of Duty commentator, he became very popular, quickly reaching 100,000 subscribers, and was even popular enough to boost other YouTubers to fame.
He soon got a contract with multichannel network company Machinima, further boosting his success. He would also collaborate with other Call of Duty commentators and YouTubers like WoodysGamertag and FPSKyle (FPSRussia). Together the trio launched the PainKiller Already Podcast, which Jordie would host on for many years before eventually being kicked off.
Afterwards he migrated to Twitch in 2016 and began streaming in hopes to supplement his income. However, he would eventually move back to YouTube after he violated Twitch Exhibit D and his partnership was terminated.
Jordie participated in the Billionaire's Challenge tournament in 2011. He made it to the finals but lost to xJawz.
In mid 2013, Jordie uploaded a video entitled 'Rock Bottom' where he complained about being dropped by his network earlier in the year and which he tearfully explained that his girlfriend Brandy, whom he was dating at the time, had left him, further worsening his depression. This brought him a lot of criticism and mockery.
In 2015 Jordie's original Twitter @WORICP was hacked with speculation that he had sold it for money. The user then changed the name to @Chris_Gulia which has remained since.
On July 18, 2022, Jordie had reported that someone was falsely copyright striking his videos[2]. As a result, he would once again private all of his videos.
ProSyndicate match[]
The stream was highly anticipated and viewed by many. Jordie initially had the upper hand, but began to lose his cool and patience, which led to frustration. After reaching a point where he knew he had no chance of winning, Jordie smashed his controller and berated his co-hosts. They initially believed he was joking, but he later screamed at them, saying "Why the fuck you stream that shit?!", which became a catchphrase to mock him.[3]
Bootcamp, Survival trip and falling out[]
On the day of the trip in 2014, Kyle drove 3 hours to the location of the woods, and called up Jordie to ask him if he's on his way, however Jordie backed out at the last minute, and admitted that he wasn't actually showing up after all. Finally fed up with Jordie, he was kicked off the Painkiller Already Podcast permanently.[4]
Stream Sniper Incident and start of mass trolling[]
It all reached a boiling point in 2017, where he had a mental breakdown on stream. During a session of Call of Duty WWII, a troll began stream sniping him, by joining his game, berating him on the mic, shooting at him, and throwing smoke grenades, which prevented him from properly winning the game. He tried appearing offline and leaving the game, but to no avail. His viewers tried to give him advice on how to stop the trolling, but Jordie became fed up with their advice and screamed "LOOK HERE, LOOK LISTEN". The troll persisted throughout the stream, and Jordie, finally had enough, he threw his controller across the room, and put his face against the wall, and then punched a hole in it. He then broke down and started crying, saying that he really wanted the surgery but he might not be able to get it, and screamed that he can't take it anymore.[5]
Post Surgery[]
In 2020, Jordie got married. Almost instantly people began to accuse him of being neglectful to his wife and supposedly abusive. His wife also was on the receiving end of criticism, when rumors were spread that she was flirting with Jordie's twitch moderators. That same year, his face was sent by trolls to various news outlets, and he was broadcasted as one of the victims in the Beirut explosion, with the name "Bernie Gores" (a racist play on words, meaning "burn n-----s"). On the 18th of August 2021, similar to last year's incident with the Beirut explosion, Jordie's face was used to report that he was a journalist who was killed by the Taliban in Kabul Afghanistan after the coup, once again with the name "Bernie Gores".[6] Later, on the 31st of May, 2022, it was again claimed that "Bernie Gores" had died in the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas.[7]
On September 27, 2021, Jordie, fed up by the recent events and trolling, harassed and slandered a troll channel by the name of Xbottle01. Both Xbottle01 and Jordie Jordan exchanged verbal blows in separate live stream's. Jordie later deleted his live stream to avoid his channel getting reported for a violation of YouTube's terms of service.[8]
Harassment allegations[]
In February 2022, an old friend of Jordie named Aaron was invited on a discord call with trolls claiming Jordie bullied him, such as playing World of Warcraft were Jordie would be unfair while playing with him. There were also accusations of Jordie raping his own sister, which got him kicked out of the house. Many people were confused about the situation, accusing Jordie of pedophilia and harassment. However, Aaron would make a video apologizing to Jordie and his family saying that the allegations were false.[9] Eventually, Aaron came onto Jordie's stream to debunk all of his claims on the call. Jordie and Aaron said the trolls on Discord took things out of context and spliced together audio. Aaron also said he didn't feel comfortable in the call and didn't give permission to be recorded.[10]
Lasagna video[]
In March 2022, Jordie mentioned on stream that it is more economical to eat fast food than it is to cook at home. Following this, he gave an example that a lasagna would cost $30 to make. Quickly his viewers pointed out that lasagna should not cost that much, Jordie disagreed. He then said that he would make a video of him making a lasagna that cost $30 or more. On March 26, 2022 Jordie tweeted a copy of a receipt from Walmart showing a total of $39.44 spent. [11]
Boxing career[]
Wings of Redemption vs. Boogie2988[]

Wings vs Boogie2988 at Wembley Arena
In February 2023, Wings of Redemption accidentally leaked DMs about the fight. At first, they're simply looking at Twitter mentions of his opponent, American YouTuber Boogie2988. The conversation includes several messages from Keemstar, who says that while the contracts are not yet ready this is "very much real." "We are very much really doing this," he tells both Boogie2988 and Wings of Redemption, as if to make clear to both that they should be preparing for the match.[12] One specific detail that's particularly interesting is that Keemstar mentions how much both YouTubers will be paid for the boxing match. According to Keemstar, both Wings of Redemption and Boogie2988 will be paid $10,000 each for the match. Keemstar also mentions that they'll fly Wings of Redemption's wife to the event, which is in London, England.[13]
On 27 February 2023, Keemstar twitted that his boxing promoter Happy Punch is in talks with Wings of Redemption and Boogie2988 for a boxing match for May 2023.[14] On April 19, it was officially announced that Wings of Redemption will fight Boogie2988 on the undercard of MF & DAZN: X Series 007: KSI vs. Joe Fournier in Wembley Arena, London, England on 13 May.[15] On the fight of the night, Jordan defeated Boogie via TKO.
Possible other fights were discussed afterward. Some opponents such as ONLYUSEmeBLADE, QUANTRELL BISHOP EDP445, ReviewTechUSA, his old friend Kyle aka Fps Russia, and Airsoftfatty were brought up in discussions.
- "Why the fuck you stream that shit!?"
- "I am no longer going to be fat after 2014, and that's the promise I made to myself."
- "We had a dog named N****r. N****r, fetch my shoes!"
- "Racists do not bother me."
- "Gramma, I'm working."
- "My health is startin to fail, I don't had the money to deal with my health problems, I'm a continual failure in losing weight, and my channel went from 8 million views a month to 200,000 views a month. I live off the charity of others, I haven't seen my penis in probably 8 years, I'm bigger now than I've ever been, I have trouble sleeping. Um, I don't take care of myself the way I should, sugar controls my life 110%, I probably have untreated diabetes, and I... basically have to play games for a living that I fucking hate."
- "LOOK HERE, LOOK LISTEN, appearing offline does not fucking stop it, so stop giving fucking advice you know nothing about!"
- "Either subscribe, donate, or get the fuck out."
- "I just can't do this! I can't take this shit no more man!"
- “K/D doesn’t matter dude”
- "This the last hoorah! If I fail this, I die!...I die in a bed alone...and all people wanna do is fuck with me!"
- "Keep in mind, I do not joke around. I do- I do not giggle, I do not try to have fun, I do not try to laugh. so please say stuff or something constructive and not-don't try to joke around with me."
- "Dude you think I'ma go to Ohio to kill el presador, my back hurts enough to go to the fucking Conway. I don't even know where he lives".[1]
- "What are you gonna do to me? Shoot your bitchass in the kneecap that's what I'd do, I'd incapacitate you, then I'd beat you with a fucking pistol grip till the teeth fell out your head, I hate you, I hate you so fucking much."
- “I’d kill his whole family. I literally would. I woulda shot him in the yard, I woulda got in muh fuckin truck with a box of shells. I would’ve drove over to his family’s house and killed them too.”
- "I really need to make this fuckin' money, I really wanted to get this fuckin' surgery man. I wanted it so fuckin' bad!"
- "Oh muh lord!"
- "I've been team killed 4000 times"
- "Like, even 16 at 45, that - I'd let that slide, because a 16 year old can make her own damn decisions. I'd cut child pornography off around 12."
- "I did say the age of consent should be 12."
- "No, I won't get rich if my wife dies and I get insurance. I still have to pay youtube 30% and uncle sam 30%"
- "Do I like penis in my ass? Nah, I got hemorrhoids."
- "Fuck that ni**a! oh muh lord! I hate him! hate him!"
- "Donate and I might not lynch your poor family"
- "Yeah, whatever. I hope your family dies in an automobile wreck."
- "I'm teamkilling you right the fuck now, I don't give a shit, I'm teamkilling you now."
- "I'm not here to conversate, man. Talk about the game."
- "Portugal's in South America, homie."
- "Like, I hate Call of Duty! Fuckin' hate it! Fuckin' ruined my life! Hate everything about it..."
- "I got a black controller and a white controller, cuz when the black one don't wan- don't wanna work, the white one will!"
- "So, the first hour of streaming we made 1 dollar and lost 1 subscriber, so you guys earn... 3 minutes of commercials."
- "Ban the word Muslim, please."
- "What do I think about National Socialism? I think we should try it."
- "My grandfather actually killed a black man on his front porch and got away with it."
- "This is gonna sound like some bullshit, but like, Fallout 4 saved my life. It honestly did. I was honestly in a dark period, I wasn't happy with myself, I was very heavy, and like... Fallout 4 gave me hope."
- "Consequences have actions, pimp."
- "Ban world, Population: YOU!"
- The rumor/meme of Jordie's name being Richard, originates from an individual named "Richard Jordan" being listed at Jordie's address. Many use this as evidence to suggest his birth-name is Richard.
- Jordie was born 5 days before the chernobyl nuclear disaster
- Many people also suggest that his father (who had left the family when Jordie was young) was also named Richard, but Jordie denies being named Richard due to his negative opinion of his biological father.
- Jordie was swatted by police live on stream during 2018.
- Jordie once had a dying dog, but did not want to spend the money for euthanasia, so he instead took it to a local swamp and put it down with a rifle instead.
- Jordie explained that at age 5, he was playing peekaboo with a kitten using a bucket. He was then called in for dinner and forgot about the cat, and did not realize he accidentally suffocated it until many years later.
- After his girlfriend Brandy broke up with him, many rumors began to be spread that she found a relationship with a black man. Trolls began mocking Jordie with the term "Brandy got blacked."
- Despite it bringing him to mainstream success, and purchasing nearly every title in the franchise, Jordie claims to hate the Call of Duty series, and wants nothing to do with it; playing it strictly for monetary gain.
- Jordie has claimed that he does not celebrate Thanksgiving.
- He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and social anxiety disorder at 14 years old.
- The name "WingsofRedemption" came from Tutankhamun's tomb, which says "Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king". He surmised that if death could come to someone on 'swift wings,' so could redemption.
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSrUIWQUzmc
- ↑ https://www.twitter.com/WORGODICP/status/1548812499520217088
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW2GV0RnKJw
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxNqH0xtilE
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLpEHfpgFFw
- ↑ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fake-afghan-news-missing-reporter/?utm_campaign=Snopes%20Debunker%20-%20Tuesday,%20August%2017,%202021%20-%20Tonight:%20Journalism%20after%20Taliban%20takeover,%20Naomi%20Osaka%27s%20news%20conference,%20Biden%27s%20teleprompter,%20and%20a
- ↑ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/06/08/fact-check-bernie-gores-not-among-dead-uvalde-cnn-afghanistan/7538799001/
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTv6j-GkF70
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3qu4BaD1F8
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hud-5RWC5ac
- ↑ https://twitter.com/worgodicp/status/1507700531581665285?s=21&t=1Ukpxdj2HKKU7OKlJKIPjQ
- ↑ WingsofRedemption leaks Twitter DM with Keemstar and Boogie2988 | $10,000 to box
- ↑ Leaked DMs Reveal Plans for Boogie2988 vs. WingsOfRedemption Fight
- ↑ https://twitter.com/KEEMSTAR/status/1630330524781740035
- ↑ This Is Really Happening - I Am Fighting WingsOfRedemption